
$100 of Bougie Fashion Merchandise from BougieBrandApparel.com

Oct 4, 2018

Fashion and style lovers have the chance to win $100 worth of Bougie fashion merchandise in a contest being held by Bougie Brand Apparel. Deadline for entry is October 31, 2018.

Style and fashion lovers are invited to enter into the latest giveaway sponsored by Bougie Brand Apparel. The prize is $100 worth of Bougie fashion merchandise and people have the opportunity to win:

15 oz. Bougie AF Coffee Mug - ($24 Retail Value)

Bougie Brand Apparel Logo Hoodie - ($49 Retail Value)

Bougie Hills Women's Shirt - ($29 Retail Value)

These three items are a good representation of what the new company will be offering as they expand their merchandise line to new collections.

Entry and rules can be found on the website: https://bougiebrandapparel.com/pages/giveaway

When asked about the giveaway contest, Jeanne, one of the owners of Bougie Brand Apparel, had this to say about why people should enter:

"I have been a fan of many designers for years and noticed a gap in the market for fashion tees, jewelry, and other accessories that offer exceptional quality and style without the large designer prices. Bougie Brand Apparel is excited to hold this giveaway to introduce our brand and show the quality and uniqueness of our merchandise. We have created a style that is our own that people will enjoy."

One winner will be chosen based on a random drawing and will be announced after the giveaway ends on November 1. 2018. There is no purchase necessary and bonus entries are available for more chances to win, including the opportunity to directly share with friends and family that also enjoy fashion and style clothing and accessories. Those who are interested can sign up for the contest via the website. Deadline for entry is October 31, 2018.


New collections will be rolled out from Bougie Brand Apparel over the coming months up until Black Friday and the Christmas holiday season. Shoppers looking for a unique gift for themselves or friends and family are encouraged to visit the site to learn more about what the company has to offer.

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