10 Borderline Insane Weird Stock Photos Nobody Will Ever Need
Considering the sole purpose of stock photos is to be sold – that’s why they’re made in the first place, you know? – it’s hard to figure out what the photographers behind these 10 were thinking. From a guy murdering his new fiancee to a woman Hitler peeling potatoes, these weird stock photos are everything a stock photo shouldn’t be.
Get ready for some serious head scratching.
1. Woman Hitler peeling potatoes with a weird Italian mafia ring on.
2. Man worried about his blobfish.
3. Kid with tinfoil hat and steampunk sunglasses on.
4. Woman bringing a knife to a tease fight.
5. Guy in underpants proposes to disabled woman, then drowns her.
6. Grandma teaching kids to not stab their fingers – unsuccessfully, apparently.
7. Centaurus meets his better half.
8. Woman giving birth to pineapple.
9. Men holding each other’s genitals while peeing.
10. Prelude to sex game with pomegranates, octopuses, and weird mirror shots.
Weird, right? Like & share these with your friends – everybody likes a good “what-the-” moment once in a while.