10 Dark Humor Memes For Whenever You’re Feeling Naughty


Dark humor memes– the breath of mischievously fresh air; the slightly inappropriate humor that you can still enjoy because hey! you didn’t come up with it after all, right? From tong-in-cheek religious memes to unexpectedly murderous animals, these ten dark humor memes touch on lots of topics for lots of people – so you’ll definitely find something you’ll love!

Mind you, some of these may not be exactly safe for work – but you knew that when you looked for dark humor memes, didn’t you?


1. We’re fine…

dark humor memes


2…. she’s probably not.

dark humor memes


3. The order is everything.

dark humor memes


4. Don’t judge a sketchpad by its… owner?

dark humor memes


5. The logical conclusion.

dark humor memes


6. Maybe they installed one overnight… oh wait…

dark humor memes


7. That’s what they’re supposed to do, right?

dark humor memes


8. The template was stupid anyways.

dark humor memes


9. Shouldn’t have trusted the monkey in the first place.

dark humor memes


10. The only thing left to do.

dark humor memes


Aren’t they lovely  Share them with your friends and see which dark humor meme is their favorite!

We all have a dark sense of humor, don’t we? Who doesn’t enjoy laughing at someone else’s misfortune, especially when it’s funny and well-executed? If you’re like me, you also like to laugh at your own misfortune because that makes the pain go away for a bit. These are some of the funniest dark humor memes I collected. What dark humor memes make you laugh (and cry) at the same time?