10 Exciting School Memes That’ll Make Christmas Break Feel Boring


School is bad, Christmas holiday is amazing – or so the cliché goes. Sure, there’s something to be said about playing video games, gorging on roast turkey and hanging out with your buddies all day, but nothing matches the average school day when it comes to taking you from slit-your-veins depression to sheer exhilaration in less than 60 minutes.

We’ve put together ten school memes mixing nostalgia and humor to get you ready for an amazing 2019 school year!


1. Inevitably.
school memes


2. Who misses their actual school, anyways?

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3. Everybody had this kind of teacher.

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4. You wouldn’t want to miss THAT!
school meme

5. This is inappropriate and not funny, but you can’t argue with the logic.

school meme

6. With this logic you can argue, though.
school meme

7. Maybe photoshopped, definitely satisfying.
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8. Why does this anime meme feel so familiar?

school memes

9. Like a BOSS!

school meme
10. That’s always a problem.

school meme

Coughing, crying, laughing – don’t you just wish you were at school right now? Share this to spread the nostalgia!