10 Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures With A Hilarious Modern Perspective on the US Recorded History


The 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln was described by his chronicler Edward J. Kempf  as “A long, lean, lanky, easy-going, smiling, awkward young stranger, wearing tight, home made pants shrunken far above his shoe tops, with a summer day into the straggling village of some 20 log cabins and 100 souls, on the bank of the Sangamon. He quickly made new friends.”

This is who he was back then. And this is how he is portrayed today in modern art and pictures.

Which Lincoln do you like the most?

1. “I’m on a bear!”

Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures

2. Back in the future

Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures

3. How you doin’?

Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures

4. We can rule this and all words. Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures

5. Lincoln from the block

Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures

6. Best advisors

Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures

7. The Show must go on.

Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures

8. World champion

Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures

9. Lincoln in control of the force

Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures

10. And the golf stick

Funny Abraham Lincoln Pictures