10 Funny Porn Parody Names That Might As Well Deserve An Oscar
Porn parodies are not necessarily known for their creativity – but these ten have definitely gone out of the ball park in the title department. With names so creative you’ll likely burst out laughing, these 10 funny porn parody names should definitely have won some type of award. At least for the title!
Check them out – and of course, they’re not exactly safe for work. You probably knew that. Enjoy!
1. Ain’t afraid of no ho!
2. Crack Detective.
3. The chocolate quote is great, too.
4. Those zombies don’t look dead at all.
5. Tits a creative title!
6. How does that even work?
7. That looks like the same gun.
8. Missionary is never possible.
9. Slightly out of season.
10. I bet you don’t want to do that.
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