As much as blogging may seem like a cakewalk, in the real sense, it isn’t. You need to be creative, determined, and patient to get through the rainy and stormy days. The top ten motivational tips mentioned in this article are vital in boosting your morale and increasing your psyche in blogging.
Bloggers are taking the online platform by the storm. Blogging has become a thing for many people. The online platform is encircled with bloggers providing content from different industries and niches. Most bloggers start with so much energy, only to fizzle out after a few blog posts. Maintaining high energy levels for bloggers is one of the significant challenges they face.
Staying motivated on the blogging bandwagon is not an easy task. You need to have the drive and a push factor in helping you stick with blogging for the longest time. Here are ten surefire tips to keep you motivated to blog, irrespective of your circumstance
1. Speak to a blogging Coach
A blogging coach can help you move from the static zone to a more actionable area. Blogging requires commitment and a boost to elevate your blogs a notch higher. Using a blogging coach is an excellent investment in finding clarity in your blogging. The coach will help you to identify your weak areas and how you can improve. Additionally, you can pinpoint your strengths and focus more on them.
When you are feeling low in your blogging journey, blogging coaches are integral in boosting your morale. They provide you with strategies to dedicate yourself to your tasks, ensuring you achieve your goals. Reaching out to seasoned bloggers can guide you on overcoming the various blogging challenges you go through. They stay with you as you tackle the obstacles, helping you to stay focused and motivated.
2. Focus on consistency
Online writing skills like blogging require that you put your best foot forward by providing high-quality articles. In addition, you need to ensure you are consistent with your audience, and they can count on you to meet and exceed their expectations. Unfortunately, most people focus on the volume instead of the quality of blog posts they provide their audience. As a result, it can affect the quality of publications you give your audience.
Consistency can go a long way in taking your blogging to the next level. When committing to your blog, you must dedicate yourself to work constantly and follow your schedule to the letter. It would be great if you had the discipline and are ready to sacrifice to maintain consistency in your blogging.
3. Study a blogging course
The online platform is highly competitive. With many people looking for alternative income streams, the online forum has proven to be the best source. Various courses on blogging online are free or at a reasonable fee.
When you are stuck in your blogging path, it can be frustrating. When you are in such a position, you need to re-assess your direction and strategize on a solution. In addition, you may need to improve your knowledge and skills in blogging. Taking a blogging course is the best motivational tip to get you moving to greater heights.
4. Work smarter
Most people usually concentrate on the volume of work that they can produce. As a result, they end up working harder instead of smarter. Trying to achieve so much with limited time at your disposal can discourage and wear you out. Working smart entails having a strategy that works. It will help if you work systematically and consistently. Work on your goals one at a time to avoid being overwhelmed.
Commit to working on the goal until you achieve it. When working smart, you must ensure you work towards measurable and achievable goals. For example, getting traffic to your blog page is critical. To work smart, you must ensure that you identify the most vital source of your traffic and make it your primary focus. When working smart, you get to use the appropriate strategies that garner positive results. As a result, you end up being motivated and loving your job.
5. Celebrate tiny wins
You should not take for granted the tiny wins and achievements you come across. Most of the time, people complain about things going wrong instead of appreciating the things that have gone right. Celebrating small wins is a major motivational tip that can give you the moral to push further. The small victories are a significant motivator for those in their initial stages of blogging.
When you start to blog, you must have specific milestones that you must achieve. As you reach them one by one, ensure to appreciate the wins by acknowledging your efforts. You can be noting your milestones in a journal to enable you to remember them and realize when you have achieved them. In blogging, every win is important, and celebrating them helps you to stay on course. Small victories like a surge in subscribers or publishing an extra blog post are worth celebrating to boost your morale.
6. Blog about topics that inspire you
Most bloggers focus more on writing for SEO purposes. It is not a bad thing since it increases your site's ranking, but it can swallow your drive and make you forget the reason behind your blogging. Writing for SEO can be tedious, affecting your blogging motivation. However, when you can identify the 'why' in your blogging, it keeps you going since it is the basis of your writing.
Writing about things that inspire you helps you share your feelings, ideas, and thoughts with others. At times it can be something you have experienced that can inspire others that have been in similar positions. Writing about things that encourage you means writing from the heart, which is the best motivational tip to intensify your blogging.
7. Take at least a day off from blogging
It is normal to feel stuck when blogging. Blogging requires creativity, and when you have a lot in your mind, ideas may not flow. As a blogger, you will find yourself hitting the rock several times. In such cases, you should not spend most of your time being hard on yourself and concentrating on your weak areas. Instead, it would help if you took a break to unwind and rejuvenate your energy.
Blogging can be fun when you are getting positive feedback from your audience. All the same, it does not mean that you should overwork yourself to burn out. Taking in between breaks when blogging can help you avoid burning out and getting stuck during your sessions. You can also take a day off weekly from blogging to give your body the chance to relax and revitalize.
8. Network
Networking is a game-changer in the blogging arena and many other fields. You need to keep close to the right type of people despite the lonely nature of blogging. Networking works tremendously for novice bloggers because they can learn a lot from seasoned bloggers who have been around for a long time.
Regarding blogging, the best way to maximize your network is through blogging forums. These forums allow you to share your posts and receive honest feedback from other bloggers. Through this, you can learn a lot from fellow bloggers and create groups to work on collaborative content.
9. Build a habit
They say a habit is a disease. You need to make blogging your disease by making it a habit. It should be part of you. To stay motivated when blogging, you need to create a practice out of it. Create blogging rituals that will force you to be consistent in your writing. Building a habit requires commitment and dedication. Once you build a blogging routine, it becomes a ritual, making it easy for you to achieve your blogging goals.
You can diarize how you want to go about it to keep reminding yourself of what needs to be done at the right time. Ensure you set aside specific time for brainstorming and creating content. Have a schedule that you adhere to. You can create a home office or have a particular working area to work with minimal destruction.
10. Set achievable goals
It is critical to have goals when blogging because they give you a sense of direction. In addition, when you have something you are targeting, it becomes easier to achieve it. Unfortunately, sometimes we push ourselves too hard by setting extremely high goals that are difficult to meet. As a blogger, this can be frustrating, increasing your stress levels, and it's not healthy for your personal or work life. An excellent way to deal with such a situation is by setting achievable goals.
Bloggers have different goals and achievements. Whether you are a full-time or part-time blogger, you need to set realistic, actionable goals. Start small by setting daily goals as you transcend to higher objectives. For example, you can start with one blog post per day as you work your way to writing more blogs daily. You can also share a post a day on a specific social media platform as you work on sharing more posts on various platforms.