14 Amazing & Unusual Wonders That Actually Exist In The World


This world is so big and has so much to offer that one life is never enough for a person to explore it and see and experience all its wonders. It is great that now we have Internet and can wander around different places on Earth.

We know it’s not the same as being there in person, but such explorations can also make us gaze in awe – we are blessed to be born on this planet.

1.RAINBOW TREES or Australian eucalyptus grow along the Hana Highway, Australia.
Unusual Wonders

2. The incredibly COLORFUL ROCK FORMATIONS in China are stunning sandstone hills and mountains.

Unusual Wonders

3. LIVING ROCKS or Pyura Chilensis is an immobile ocean creature that has clear blood, and a body able to accumulate surprisingly large amounts of a rare metal. When cut open it bleeds.

Unusual Wonders

4. These BLOOD FALLS are located in Antarctica inside the Taylor Glacier.Unusual Wonders 5. Real Animals are turned into eerie statues in a deadly ALKALINE LAKE  in Tanzania.Unusual Wonders6. As a result of the migration of the European Starling Birds, we can observe a BLACK SUN in Denmark.Unusual Wonders 7. CRAB MIGRATIONS of over 120 million crabs can be seen on the Christmas Island.Unusual Wonders 8. STEAM TOWERS of gas create an eerie sight against an auroral display.

Unusual Wonders 9. The WHITE RAINBOW is, in fact, an arched dense fog.Unusual Wonders10. The Green Sun or GREEN SUN can be observed during sunrise on sundown when the conditions are right. Unusual Wonders 11. A volcano in Indonesia bursts BLUE LAVA, a matter with an extremely high temperature. Unusual Wonders 12. The NEVER-ENDING WAVES in Brazil can travel 500 miles without slowing down. Unusual Wonders 13. The DESERT BLOOM in Chile is a climatic phenomenon that occurs after heavy rains.Unusual Wonders 14. The EVERLASTING STORM in Venezuela can rage for 160 days.  Unusual Wonders