14 Wendy’s Savage Responses That Can Destroy People On Twitter


Wendy’s fast food chain is getting increasing attention online with some quite savage and hilarious Twitter responses.

While you might believe that Wendy is a kind girl you might be very surprised to read her witty answers to provocative questions by Twitter users all around.

Here are the most legendary unapologetic Wendy’s tweets.

1. Did you like the movie Frozen?

2. We don’t cut corners.

3. Can you find me the nearest McDonald’s

4. Please stop eating dirt.

5. Wendy’s pick up line

6. Your dignity

7. First and the best

8. We have an alibi.

9. Your food is trash.

10. Let’s party!

11. What should I get from McDonald’s?

12. What are you firing back?

13. We’re actually just funny.

14. At a farm a few miles away