15 Funny Faces We Make That Prove That Life Is A Stage & We Are The Actors


People make funny expressions all the time and especially when they are taking selfies… behind their thick glasses they can look quite goofy. With or without a beard, with a wild hair or a stylish hairstyle, their facial expression shouts with joy or reveals their fear.

We aren’t robots and our faces have a lot to reveal about our current state of mind and emotions, unless we are extremely good pocker players and we know how to put the mask. There are so many different moods and corresponding facial expressions – beautiful, funny, genuine… perfect…

1. Funny Faces

2. Funny Faces

3. Funny Faces

4. funny facial face expression

5. funny facial face expression

6. Funny Faces

7. funny facial face expression

8. funny facial face expression

9. Funny Faces

10. funny facial face expression

funny facial face expression

12. funny facial face expression

13. funny facial face expression

14. funny facial face expression

15. funny facial face expression

16. funny facial face expression

17. Funny Faces

18. Funny Faces

19. Funny Faces

20. Funny Faces

21. funny facial face expression

22. funny facial face expression

23. Funny Faces

24. funny facial face expression

25. Funny Faces

26. Funny Faces

27. Funny Faces

28. funny facial face expression

29. funny facial face expression

30. funny facial face expression


32.funny facial face expression

33. funny facial face expression