15 People Who Should Be Banned From Doing ANYTHING


Some people should be banned from Facebook, while others must be banned from the Internet forever. These fifteen people, however, must be banned from doing anything in life, otherwise they will hurt themselves, the people around them, and their gadgets or food.

Please, help me spread the news. Ban these people already!

1. Someone please teach her mom how to shop online

people fail at life

2. This person just trapped himself in the most uncreative way possible

people fail at life

3. Yes, girl, you really did

people fail at life

4. Someone give this girl a pencil instead, those things can be erased

people fail at life

5. Let us start a GoFundMe to buy her a helmet

people fail at life

6. Just give this woman a 90s GameBoy instead

people fail at life

7. It’s called “cooking” not “Frisbee”

people fail at life

8. And the brother didn’t even feel it *facepalm*

people fail at life

9. You should never be allowed near a kitchen ever again

people fail at life

10. That’s a good punishment to be honest

people fail at life

11. That’s a good waste of Pepsi, I always loved Coca Cola

people fail at life

12. You are probably banned from driving forever now

people fail at life

13. People shouldn’t get too excited

people fail at life

14. Maybe one day he will play as an elevator

people fail at life

15. Yes, you truly are

people fail at life