Looking for the perfect office or home prank to do? I got you covered. But beware: These pranks will earn you the ire of many people because of how evil they are. But hey, the devil will be proud of you and he will give you a free holiday in hell. 😀
Ready to discover how much evil you can be?
1. Ahh, the sweet scent of shrimp!
2. Why is my soap not bubbling??
3. Even the mightiest of men will scream in fear!
4. It’s a time bomb!
5. This is also one good way to piss off your IT department.
6. This is a long con, it will take days for it to grow, but boy it will grow and surprise everyone.
7. Just don’t drive on the freeway because this will land you in jail.
8. This is one way to get murdered by your boss.
9. Mmmm, love the flavor.
10. Summoning a car? No, more like summoning an irritated customer.
11. “Oh dear lord how am I supposed to leave?”
12. I’m totally doing this to my friend.
13. Also add a bit of scratch marks on the floor for extra effect.
14. Surprise anyone who enters the door!
15. It’s a crafty but messy booby trap!
16. Oh my, this is the most evil thing I could think of.
17. Be sure to only to this to people without any heart problems.