After you read this post you will wish you were this smart during high school. I mean, they are hilarious and so witty that even the most strict school principal will probably cry in laughter!
1. Do not mess with his spaghetti
2. He had no choice, we all don’t
3. Wait, this is not the Kanye West we know
4. Yeah, where were the spontaneous singing and beautiful people?
5. She has embraced her Ho lineage
6. But now that Trump is president you might cross the border again
7. If idiots could fly we can lift Earth and fly it to the sky…wait
8. This man has had a tough love life I bet
9. That hair is fierce
10. No sauce? Get out!
11. Okay but are you and miss Park related?
12. It’s a win-win scenario for the book editors, just copy paste all the way