
1ness Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Drops: Essential For Homes Everywhere

May 25, 2023

Always have safe drinking water on hand with the latest water purification kits available from 1ness.

Water is essential to life. Our bodies are approximately 60% water, our planet is 71% water, but not everyone always has access to safe drinking water. Aid workers who travel to remote corners of the world know they probably won’t have safe drinking water, hikers and campers sometimes struggle to find clean water and are prepared for it, but even you might find yourself without drinking water in your own home.

As climate change takes hold, the world is experiencing more extreme weather conditions, and more homes are threatened by floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. It pays to be prepared. Having 1ness® Water Purification Drops on hand is a small thing that could make a big difference in an emergency.

Simply adding 3 to 5 drops of a Chlorine Dioxide solution will purify up to one US gallon of water. This makes 1ness® Water Purification Drops perfect for people traveling to remote areas, outdoor enthusiasts, or anyone who wants to be prepared for any emergency. To find out more, please visit https://onenessdrops.com/disinfecting-drinking-water-with-chlorine-dioxide/

For over a century, public water treatment facilities have been using Chlorine Dioxide to purify water and kill a variety of waterborne pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and parasites, including Giardia Lamblia and Cryptosporidium Parvum. With 1ness® Water Purification Drops anyone can safely and effectively treat their water and ensure that it is fit for human consumption.

How it works

Chlorine Dioxide is included in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. This reddish or yellowish-green chemical compound is a hazardous gas at room temperature but dissolves in water to form an antimicrobial agent that destroys harmful bacteria and other microorganisms.

How to use the 1ness® Water Purification Kit

1ness® Water Purification Drops are quick and simple to use anywhere. Each Water Purification Kit contains 2 bottles. Part A is 28% Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) and Part B is 4% Hydrochloric Acid. When Part A and Part B are combined the mixture is activated and forms Chlorine Dioxide, a powerful disinfectant.

It is essential that the solution in both bottles (Part A & Part B) is mixed together in a separate container before being added to the water. Simply mix 2 to 5 drops of PART A (Sodium Chlorite) with an equal amount of drops of PART B (Hydrochloric Acid) in a small plastic or glass container. Wait 30 seconds. Add the mixture to the water and drink.

“Great product. Did a lot of research on chlorine dioxide, and this product certainly gives us the goods, very quickly. A 1:1 ratio activates in seconds, as the solution turns dark yellow. I suggest, however, that everyone that is new learn as much as possible about CD before taking the plunge. The research is truly extraordinary, not to mention sobering and extremely eye-opening,” said Robert J, a satisfied 1Ness customer.

1ness online store specializes in selling Chlorine Dioxide based water purification kits, ensuring that people have access to clean, safe drinking water wherever they are. The water purification drops comply with FDA and food safety standards and meet CDC and EPA guidelines for making water safe to drink. It is important to note that Chlorine Dioxide should only be used to treat water and never be consumed on its own.

To find out more about the benefits of 1ness® Water Purification Drops or to order some for your home emergency kit, go to https://onenessdrops.com/chlorine-dioxide-uses-safety-and-misinformation/

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