20 People Who Got BURNED Because Of Their Own Doing [NSFW]


We all love seeing people burn themselves especially when they are being too full of themselves. Not the literal burn, but the “burn” burn that people experience when they say something and an angel chimes in to diss, insult, and put them to their proper place.

Now, this post contains very NSFW language. If you don’t like that, close this tab immediately!

But if you are brave, let’s laugh at these people who burned themselves to crisp!

1. Easy to say, Michael just pissed off all the ladies

2. A very clever comeback heh

3. Ariana Grande is also known for having no chill

4. A solid advice from O2


6. Throwing adult shade so casually, definitely NSFW

7. Apply burn ointment to entire face

8. Now this is actually witty, won’t even make me mad

9. The keyword here is “even more”

10. She’s definitely talking about the D

11. Just adults talking about rarity of some delicacies

12. No one is too old for Pokemon, excuse me

13. Oh lord that is one serious burn, Goodman

14. Things are getting too serious, let’s have a quick break first…

15. OOooooooohhhhh! Mom made a joke. heh

16. Confidence on friend is zero

17. He didn’t even understand the burn

18. Someone please give this guy a grammar book

19. Oh dear god you can’t just say that lol

20. Bahahaha!