22 Powerful Weight Loss Motivation Quotes That Melt Away Stubborn Fat
Do you struggle with finding the motivation to get things done?
Whether it’s to complete a goal or task that you set for yourself…you’re not always able to see it to completion because somewhere along the way, you lost that motivation.
Here’s you daily dose of motivation and positivity that will help you break old habits and shift from what no longer serves your higher purpose.
The following quotes will enable you to realize that you are responsible for the things you allow in your life… and in your body.
If you want to lose weight but you lose the momentum halfway through because you no longer feel motivated…ask yourself, why is it that you decided to lose weight in the first place?
Without an intention, you’ll find that your motivation will only go so far.

Revisit your purpose and reason for why you started doing exercising or a particular diet … find your inner motivation and detach it from things out of your control, and overcome uncertainty to get things done once and for all!