5 steps which are critical for Diversity hiring.

May 13, 2021

Diversity Hiring is not a mystery anymore! Do it right and reap great benefits.

We at the FerVID Group are a diverse group ourselves. And we have done many Gender diversity hires. This case study demonstrates the high level steps that were taken resulting in hiring a Women leader for a highly technical role in a male dominant industry. In industries such as Oil & Gas or Mining, the field roles are dominated by men, but there are women who also took the field opportunities and then progressed in their career. The trick is to find them, but before getting into the details, one of the issues in diversity hiring is to ensure that everyone feels included.

Our client had several male leaders internally who were well suited for this role. They wanted to consider them as they could be the perfect fit for the role. But they did not just want to assume that. They also wanted to evaluate a couple of aspects.

1. What are other companies are doing in terms of strategy for their field,

2. If there are leaders outside who could bring some best practices which were new to them.

The outside ideas or best practices could be the game changer they needed.

Since they had several male leaders, they wanted to evaluate if there are women leaders who they could interview.

Most of the jobs we get, are difficult to fill ones. So was this job. Finding candidates was difficult, regardless of gender, due to the niche nature of the role. The process of understanding the market, finding companies who employ such niche leaders and having a good referral strategy made this a big success.

The FerVID Group owner Abhijeet Narvekar says "there are many people looking for insights and answers about how to be successful at Equal Opportunity / Diversity hiring. We thought of sharing some practical ways in this blog"

The approach that worked well was to treat everyone the same and give everyone a chance to represent themselves and bring new ideas to grow that particular division.

The first step in a successful diversity oriented search is to ensure that everyone gets a chance: Internal leaders, external leaders, men and women. Just because it is difficult to find does not mean the team takes the easy route.

Some of our key strategies include:

1. A thorough Market Map highlighting which companies do similar work, or which companies have to apply a similar process in a different industry;

2. One has to go Global for such searches;

3. A proper referral strategy must be thought through and implemented;

4. Implement a consistent system to benchmark all candidates;

5. Evaluation and reporting is a must to assure that the search was done the right way.

Listen to Abhijeet Narvekar - the CEO by following the link below.


About The FerVID Group

The FerVID Group was founded in 2010 and serves the Industrial Automation, AI & ML and Energy industry. It is known for Client Satisfaction/Experience and Candidate experience.

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