21 Foods From The 90s You’ll Never Be Able To Eat Again

Fun India

What are some foods from the late 80s and 90s that you would like to have again? We picked a few of them and we wish they are still available in the market today. Many of these brand names and some food items still exist, but the original flavors and qualities are not the same anymore.

1. Uncle Chipps, the oldĀ flavor.

Uncle Chipps was the only popular ‘potato chips’ brand in 90s and early 00s until Lays entered the market.

Foods From The 90s


2. Phantom Sweet Cigarettes

We always pretended to be a badass kid by smoking these sweet cigarettes. Feeling nostalgic….?


Source: Harnik via localbanya


3. Chatmola



4. Gold Spot

Foods From The 90s


5. Pepsi Lollipop

It was a flavored ice made of fruits and sugar.

old pepsi


6. Ice Lollies

90s sweet


7. Parle’s Poppins



8. Cadbury’s Nutties



9. Remember this? Your mom always made you eat these SevenSeas capsules for good health.



10 & 11. Kismi Bar and Big Babol Gum



12. Fatafat digestive pills

fata fat sweet


13. KitKat Toffee Bar

To be honest, KitKat chocolates are not tasty as earlier.



14. Magic Pop Candy

magic pop


15. Pan Pasand sweet

panpas and toffee


16. Hajmola Sir! šŸ™‚

The spicy and tasty digestive tablets were so good that we could pop five in one go.



17. Lacto King and Coffy Bite

lacto king and toffe


18. Guru Chela

It was really a sweet delicious candy, and the two-faced prints on the packets were so cool that we resisted to throw away the empty packets.



19. Swad

[caption id="attachment_6807" align="alignnone" width="630"]swad Via culturebowl.com


20. Chiclets

90s chiclets


21. And thanks ‘Rol-a-Cola’ for making our childhood sweet.
