Let’s talk about teen suicide. OK, I get it, no one wants to think that their kid is at risk. You need to know. Get the facts about teen suicide risk on this two-day summit June 27-28. Learn what you can do today to help your child build emotional resilience.
I imagine a world where teen suicide is a thing of the past.
On June 27-28, 2021, I'll be hosting "The Suicide Prevention Show” from 8 AM to 8 PM PDT. On the show we'll discuss how to prevent suicide in teens and build stronger preventive practices for better mental health.
Learn more at http://tspshow.com
The new show continues my mission of “Waking up the World to the Power of Pure Prevention Programs and Stigma-Free Solutions”. I've been spreading the message of pure prevention from high schools to the TEDx stage. I believe that focusing on pure prevention will significantly reduce the number of teen suicides around the world.
Did you know that suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 15- to 24-years-old? Still, no one really knows how prevalent it is, given how uncomfortable it is to talk about.
"Common wisdom" has parents struggling to identify if their child is at risk or thinking about suicide. Checklists of warning signs say that children often send out subtle hints of their intended action, including but not limiting to, giving away their valuables or slowly stopping seeing friends. Some teens may outright say that they will hurt themselves, but are often not taken seriously by their peers. The constant "watching and listening" is leaving parents exhausted and kids feeling like they're not trusted.
I believe that any mention of suicide should ALWAYS be taken seriously, AND it's even more important that your child feels that they can talk to you without judgment or fear.
Numerous psychological studies have noted that effective communication can prevent suicide by a significant percent. On the show, I'll guide you on how to help your kids develop the emotional resilience, what I call, “Emotional Teflon,” needed to talk about suicide confidently and calmly. I believe that this one practice will help kids develop the ability to better navigate the emotional rollercoaster of adolescence.
The two-day summit will feature interviews with 23 other experts. The full roster and additional information are available at: http://tspshow.com