Aged Care Expert Urges People To Plan Ahead As Over 65 Demographic Continues To Swell

Apr 16, 2019

North Adelaide Accountant & Aged Care Expert Robert Veitch Urges People To Plan Ahead As Over 65 Demographic Continues To Swell. Robert Veitch is determined to warn people about current situation.

  • aged care expert urges people to plan ahead as over 65 demographic continues to
  • aged care expert urges people to plan ahead as over 65 demographic continues to

North Adelaide South Australia - RA Veitch accountant Robert Veitch, a leading financial advisor, and expert in the Aged Care Industry, is urging his clients to think carefully about their financial future, in order to enjoy a fruitful and well-earned retirement.

Medical knowledge and expertise, along with scientific breakthroughs are delivering outstanding results, which in turn means that people in Australia are living significantly longer than their predecessors. Perhaps one of the best ways to demonstrate this is to compare the number of people aged sixty-five and over. In 1911, the ratio was 1 in 25, compared with 1 in 6 today.

Only twenty years ago the retirement advice was focused exclusively on growing a substantial pension, which would provide a comfortable standard of living for the remainder of your life. However, as people continue to live longer their needs also increase. Residential care homes are experiencing higher demand than ever before, and even those who only require home care exceeded 925,000 in 2016. As with any business model, supply and demand come into effect, and the cost for accessing these services continues to increase. That is why Robert Veitch is determined to warn people about the ever-changing situation, and offer financial guidance and advice as to how best to prepare for the future.

“This is an ever-changing situation, but the reality is that people are living longer, which is, of course, a good thing,” said Robert Veitch. “However, that does bring with it certain problems, and in my opinion, it is better to plan ahead for this situation, to ensure that your family can cope with the emotional, financial and physical issues that aging can cause. As a nation, we need to be aware of this issue and actively working towards a solution.”

RA Veitch & Co is one of South Australia’s leading Administrators & Tax Planners for Self-Managed Superannuation funds. Established in the late ’80s, they are a firm designed to give their clients a personal, one-on-one service. Their highly qualified team are there to help

their clients with every financial need. For more information about the company and the various services that they provide, visit their website at

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