
Are your website in breach with the ADA guidelines 508 compliance?

May 29, 2020

In the launch period, The ADA Compliance Widget Bundle sold by Diggitally.com is offered by a very special reduced price of only $139 – that’s a healthy reduction down from $499 which will be the normal price.

Did you know lawsuits for websites not being in compliance with ADA guidelines requirements and 508 compliance may reach 30 000 for 2020?

We over at Diggitally.com, a Website Promotion and Digital Marketing Agency, are surprised to learn that the average settlement for such ADA Compliance lawsuits are around $35 000 and that this is certainly for those very regular and non-famous ones. Meaning those that hits the small business type of websites and can even be the question about “to be – or not to be”.

Obviously you may have heard about the more famous lawsuits where millions upon millions of dollars are in play, but the unfortunate fact is that your type of business is a target as well.

Moreover - It is very concerning that there is no such thing as a pre-warning for breach of ADA requirements? You are, one day - any given day actually - at risk of finding yourself sued. If your website at that point are not at all prepared, you are basically doomed to lose.

And it gets even worse as the ADA requirements do not rely on a strict and specific set of rules. It is actually open for interpretation and there exists absolutely no way to be 100% sure that you comply.

Stating the above, we now know a few things about what the lawsuits have been targeting and are happy to say that quite a lot of the issues can be fixed quite effortlessly for the website owner, without having to interfere with the website configuration to any large extent.

It is based on this that we are proud to introduce our ADA Compliance widget and Bundle to our customers, both new and old, as it will for sure solve a problem that many have - in addition of course to actually make the website more accessible for people with disabilities.

You may read more about the ADA Compliance Widget Bundle here https://diggitally.com/ada-compliance/

The widget will make your website meet the 508 compliance of ADA guidelines by offering a simple way for people with disability to adjust your website according to their needs for the following functions/functionality: Text to Speech, Display Mode – multiple choices of contrasts and colors, Magnification of area, Cursor select – choose bigger cursor of various contrast colors, Highlighting of links, Text Spacing, Readable font and Highlighting of Headlines

In the launch period, The ADA Compliance Widget Bundle sold by Diggitally.com is offered by a very special reduced price of only $139 – that’s a healthy reduction down from $499 which will be the normal price.

The bundle is consisting of a preliminary report which will identify known issues with your website, and thus provide very useful information for what should/could be done of onsite configurations, the widget to be installed and several follow up reports.

All in all the ADA Compliance Widget Bundle should serve a website well and give a high level of accessibility for people with disabilities while at the same time leave the website owner well protected against very expensive and unnecessary lawsuits.

The preliminary report is also offered for free over at our website, where a website owner can use our contact form requesting it.

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