New Earth Center is now offering personalized coaching to their students – a program in which you can truly thrive and find your higher self under the teachings of qualified gurus.
Build your light body. Remember much higher levels of consciousness. New Earth Center promises to guide you from the confines of your 3- dimensional self to embodying your higher selves. It is a way of living that is fully aligned with your soul and your life purpose. Freedom, happiness, joy, financial abundance, beautiful relationships - all that is just a natural outcome of living in harmony with yourself, the universe and with all that is.
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New Earth Center is designed around the idea that you can, through mindfulness, meditation and other techniques, release distortions and regain the original blueprint of divine harmony. These guidance sessions are conducted individually by the Center’s two main spiritual guides, who will assist you on a personal basis.
One way to structure the inner work that we all have to do if we are to evolve as species is to utilize the Chakra System. Cleansed and balanced chakras is what we get as a result of our work on our low-vibrational beliefs, emotions and behaviors. In our school we offer seven courses. Each course is based on a particular energy center and the aspects of life related to this energy center.
In the guidance sessions offered through the counseling service, New Earth’s teachers will explore, over the course of a one-and-a half-hour-long zoom call, ways in which your physical and emotional challenges and distortions that cause them are stored in cellular memory of your physical body and how to release them.
Stop fighting change. Instead, embrace it and move forward into a higher state of being with those who have already undergone the journey.
Alua and Nick Patel, the center’s two coaches, will work together to provide guidance and coaching across their areas of expertise.
What they do can be best described as transpersonal counseling that involves the expansion of consciousness beyond the usual limits of ego and personality, and beyond
the conventional limitations of space and time. Problems are seen as opportunities for growth. The objective of transpersonal counseling is not only to stop symptoms, but to realize what they have to teach us. The results that this approach brings is psychological and spiritual maturity, rapid growth, quantum jumping to higher timelines. That means you will not waste years of your life being stuck in drama, negative emotions, unhealthy relationships or dealing with the same problem again and again.
Before the guidance sessions begin, New Earth Center offers consultations to ensure that the program suits the needs of the individual, and that the individual is ready for the program. The center places an emphasis on the willingness of the students to take full responsibility for their realities and their willingness to do deep inner work. Otherwise they will not be able to receive the benefits from these courses.
In the words of the center's founders, “This transition to a healthier state requires us to review and reevaluate our beliefs, attitudes, mentalities, lifestyles, value systems, how we relate to each other, the way we work, and everything else.”
Transform your consciousness. Visit to book your session.