
Auto Dealer Get More Local Car Buyers Digital Marketing Strategies MarketPlaceMaster Dealership Expo Launched

Dec 27, 2016

Discover how to capitalize on the changing climate for auto dealer digital marketing and how to get more local buyers for your car dealership at the MarketPlaceMaster Dealership Series expo.

A new auto dealer marketing expo has launched, called the MarketPlaceMaster Dealership Series, which aims to help car dealers and businesses stay abreast of the radically changing marketplace and put the power back in their marketing strategies. The speakers at the event will be dealing with the direction of the digital marketing industry for car dealers, focusing on how digital marketing is going local, and what it means for business. Attendees can learn to stay ahead of the curve by focusing on the new ways to market their business. More information can be found on the MarketPlaceMaster Dealership Series website at: http://pressmarketplacemaster.com. The site explains that the online marketplace for auto dealers is a moving target and is constantly changing. By learning from leaders in the industry, attendees can supercharge their dealership for the forthcoming paradigm shift. MarketPlaceMaster is the go to source for auto dealers to be able to learn about what is really working in online marketing, with guides, reports and talks focused precisely on their business niche. Franchise automotive dealerships, buy here pay here dealerships and independent dealerships can learn how to increase their brand recognition in the current climate, how to attract more buyers, and a variety of ways for improving their business. Speakers at the event include Peter Bordes, discussing online social media and massive audience development for auto dealers, Mike Jackson, talking about understanding the new millennial buyer, Ken Shilson, Patrick Anderson, Beto Paredes, George Dans, Jimmy Serrano, and Steve Maher. Peter Bordes said: "The age of the social enterprise and social economy is changing the way executives lead in today's hyper connected, mobile, global business world." By attending the expo, car dealers can discover the best way to tackle the challenges presented in today's internet world by learning about key subject areas and meeting other experts in the field. Full conference information is available on the MarketPlaceMaster Dealership Series website, where interested parties can also get in touch for more information about travel, accommodation, and for asking questions about the exhibitors and speakers.
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