
BCS Comes to You with CQM Certification Classes

Jul 24, 2020

We take CQM classes to companies with multiple employees requiring CQM certification.

Building Constructive Solutions (BCS) brings CQM Certification classes to you wherever quality control personnel require certification to work on US federal construction contracts.

BCS is authorized by the Norfolk District of the Corps of Engineers and NAVFAC MIDLANT to teach the approved curriculum. The certificate, provided after successful completion of the course, is accepted worldwide by the Corps of Engineers (COE) and the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC).

While much of the world quarantined because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted on-demand classes for companies in the USA. During this time, US government contracts continued to move ahead. Key quality control personnel needed CQM certification and re-certification. We enabled continued progress on construction projects, by providing certification while publicly sponsored classes were shut down.

Recently, public sponsors have resumed CQM certification classes in Virginia, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and Mississippi. A schedule of publicly sponsored classes is available at https://cqmcert.com/sponsored-classes/.

Public CQM classes are useful for individuals needing certification. However, companies with several people requiring certification or re-certification hire us to teach classes at their offices or nearby meeting venues. When we teach a CQM certification class at a company’s location, the cost per student is minimized while construction projects stay on schedule. Some companies even schedule weekend classes to prevent disruption to their project schedules.

Bringing CQM certification to clients’ locations not only conserves cost and maximizes productivity. Our facilitators also engage and inspire students by using examples relevant to their projects and problems. Companies also benefit from coworkers' teamwork during the one-day class leading up to certification.

Recent students have made many comments praising the quality of our instruction. Examples of their comments include:

"Most interactive CQM class I have ever taken."

"Instructor very experienced in this particular field, and easy to understand in this technology."

"Very informative and easy to follow."

"Teacher is informative and thorough. He has the passion to set us up for success."

"I really appreciated the extra facts not covered in the manual and believe it will be valuable."

To get a quote for a custom CQM certification class at any location, complete the short questionnaire at https://cqmcert.com/custom-course/. We will send the quote within 24 hours.

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