
Become More Productive Working At Home Using Smart Technology: Check This Guide

Nov 6, 2022

BusyBox Corp. shares useful tips on how you can increase work productivity and succeed as a work-from-home employee in their latest guide.

Become More Productive Working At Home Using Smart Technology: Check This Guide

Did you know that people who work from home are actually happier, less stressed, AND get more work done? It is such a successful work model that even tech giants like Google are using it - they have over 200,000 WFH employees! Get in the game and learn how to thrive in a remote work environment. Read BusyBox Corp’s WFH productivity guide now!

The guide cites creating a defined workspace, managing work processes, and maintaining social circles as some effective habits WFH workers like you should adopt to succeed professionally in a hybrid work setup. The report also explores the advantages of the company’s customizable and app-controlled sign product, BusyBox, which helps those working from home perform their tasks efficiently by reducing interruptions.

Check out the guide at https://shop.busyboxsign.com/blogs/news/3-tips-for-wfh-leaders-workers

The report provides you with actionable steps to help you manage and thrive in a hybrid work structure. The authors emphasize that while working from home may present many obstructions, such as the constant demands of taking care of your young children or keeping your house clean and liveable, making a few changes to your work environment will increase your concentration and work output significantly.

Establishing a clear workspace is the first step to achieving unencumbered productivity at home, BusyBox suggests. It sets the mood for the “working now” psyche, and it delivers a clear message to those sharing your space that something important is happening in your work area, which helps mitigate disruptions.

Additionally, you may benefit from using a BusyBox sign which can be programmed to display words like on call, working, in a meeting, studying, and do not disturb, through an app. A spokesperson from BusyBox says, “Whether you’re working remotely, jumping on video calls, streaming videos, recording a podcast, studying for finals, or just in need of some solo time, BusyBox gets you the uninterrupted space you need.”

The guide also cites utilizing communication tools and processes as another effective approach to keeping up with assignments and team goals. Shared lists like Google Docs and Sheets ensure that you are working off the same information as your team, and tools like Slack keep your correspondence flowing and up-to-date.

Besides keeping work communication streamlined, your social circles, even virtual social circles, should be maintained as well, BusyBox says. The guide recommends using online conference tools such as Zoom, Google Meet, or Slack to chat with your colleagues about non-work related topics such as sports or favorite Netflix series. This promotes engagement with your co-workers and boosts your morale which is critical to finding purpose, belonging, and happiness in your work-from-home employment.

Live your best professional life today! Learn how to succeed as a work-from-home employee with BusyBox!

Visit https://shop.busyboxsign.com/blogs/news/3-tips-for-wfh-leaders-workers to find out more!

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