Best Digital Marketing CRO Service: Create Engaging Ads & Speed Up Conversion

May 30, 2023

Looking to employ automation solutions in your conversion rate optimization efforts? 120/80 (312-456-6100) can help, with their broad-range CRO and digital marketing service.

Automation is changing the very foundation of what it means to run a business online. From social media to copywriting, algorithmically-driven technologies are becoming the new standard when creating SEO content. Now, that same technology can power your efforts as a B2B service provider by automatically optimizing and customizing your front-facing marketing content to tailor it to each visitor to your site on an individual level.

120/80 can help you build personalized content designed to appeal not only to your broad-scale ad group but to each potential customer and their specific needs as consumers.

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120/80 has crafted this service to take advantage of the growing capabilities of “smart” automation technology which has recently taken center stage among content marketing solutions. This technology will allow you and your team to drive traffic and optimize conversion rates using these powerful means.

Specifically, this service leverages “Smart Traffic” software, which is capable of analyzing each visitor to your landing pages in order to customize those pages in ways that make visitors more likely to convert. These tools employ the same situational A/B testing and dynamic insertion tactics that have been used in broad-scale advertising for several years, but in this case, they are available on a highly personal, client-scale level.

In addition to these solutions, 120/80 uses algorithmic tools to locate optimized ad placements in locations where they are most likely to be successful.

These tools are designed around the idea that CRO efforts are best spent on targeting qualified leads among your website’s existing traffic, rather than attempting to draw in new traffic from outside channels. To that end, 120/80 has designed solutions to be employed on home pages, landing pages, and blog entries - areas of a site that are most important in the lead conversion process.

120/80 can create a service package customized to your needs, taking into account your monthly advertising budget to boost the effectiveness of both new and existing ad content. When used in conjunction with the agency's other marketing solutions, you can completely revamp your online presence and easily boost your conversion rates across all channels.

These solutions have been created based on a large volume of case study research conducted by 120/80 in partnership with outside researchers. The tools are also designed to be integrated directly with existing CRM software thanks to the agency's premium partnership with HubSpot, the industry leader in inbound marketing software.

You can call 312-456-6100 or visit the 120/80 website to request a custom proposal based on your budgetary requirements and existing online infrastructure. The studies that drove the creation of this software can also be explored on their website, with information available on specific benefits experienced by their preliminary client base.

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