Best ERTC/PPP FAQ & Eligibility Questions | Free SMB Qualification Check 2022

Jul 15, 2022

Do you qualify for ERTC rebates? What if you already got PPP? How much can you claim? Find all the answers you need with this new FAQ and fast rebate program from Fast Employee Retention Credit.

Best ERTC/PPP FAQ & Eligibility Questions | Free SMB Qualification Check 2022

Claiming your pandemic relief funds shouldn't be difficult, but with all the changes made since the CARES Act was first passed, it can certainly be confusing.

This new FAQ has the answers you need, and experts you can talk to, so you can maximize your rebates in no time.

The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) program started in 2020 but has gone through several amendments since then, so you're not alone if you're unsure about how much you can claim, or if you qualify for rebates. Fast Employee Retention Credit has launched an extensive frequently asked questions section, and a no-cost eligibility test to help.

Visit to skip the questions, and take the free, no obligation, one-minute eligibility check.

The updated FAQ includes the most commonly asked questions since the Consolidated Appropriations Act was passed:

Can You Claim ERTC Rebates If You Already Received A PPP Loan?

While companies were originally permitted to enroll in either the PPP or the ERTC, but not both, that regulation has since been changed, allowing employers to claim benefits from both programs.

Are The ERTC Rebates A Loan?

ERTC rebates differ from PPP loans by having no restrictions on how they can be spent, and no need for repayment. It's practically free money, you just have to claim it.

What Are The Requirements To Claim A Rebate?

To be eligible, employers must have suffered financial losses during the pandemic, when compared to the same fiscal quarter of the previous year.

Your business may also qualify for a rebate if you were forced to close due to government orders, such as a lockdown. In some cases, a company may also qualify if it remained open, but operated at a reduced capacity. This can include reduced sales due to supply chain issues, or limited customer capacity, such as a restaurant offering takeout only.

What's The Easiest Way To Find Out If You're Eligible?

Employers can determine if they are eligible using the firm's no-cost eligibility test, which can be completed in approximately one minute, with no obligation.

How Can You Maximize Your Rebate, And How Long Does It Take?

Using the firm's 15 Minute Refund program, you'll be guaranteed the maximum allowable rebate for your business, and all the paperwork will be handled by a team of ERTC specialists. They're focused exclusively on ERTC claims, so your claim will be completed fast, and it will only take 15 minutes or less of your time.

How Much Can You Claim In Rebates?

While individual rebates will vary, the report explains that employers may claim as much as $26,000 per employee. Previous rebates claimed using the 15 Minute Refund program have ranged from a few thousand dollars to more than $2 million.

Visit for more frequently asked questions, the free eligibility test, or more information about the 15 Minute Refund program.

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