
Best PVC Commercial Roofing Repair Strategy: Broomfield Comprehensive Inspection

Feb 11, 2025

A PVC roof can last for up to 30 years, but only if you take care of it. Apex Restoration & Roofing (303-691-5035) in Broomfield specializes in regular, comprehensive inspections, that help your commercial roof to last longer, while costing less.

A sudden storm blew away 25% of my roof last night... Oof.

Joking aside, having a sudden storm blow away a large chunk of your roof is incredibly unlikely, but storms do cause damage to our roofs, even the commercial ones, all the time. The best way to keep your business protected, and cut your long-term costs, is just to make sure your roof is always in good condition, and ready for whatever weather may come. Apex Restoration & Roofing does that, you can find them at https://apexroofingusa.com/commercial

I probably don't need to tell you that it's a lot cheaper to get some minor repairs than to replace your whole roof - but many business owners need a little reminder now and then, because it's an easy thing to forget. Our roof is always just up there, doing its job perfectly.. until it's not.

Comprehensive Inspections For Commercial Buildings

Whether your commercial building is roofed with asphalt shingles or a PVC membrane, it's important to keep it in tip-top shape at all times, so that when a storm does happen, you're ready. Trust me, trying to get a roofer to come fix a leak in the middle of a blizzard is going to be a little tricky, even with a company like Apex that offers 24/7 emergency care.

It's not that they aren't willing to try - but if the wind is strong enough to rip it apart, they're going to have a hard time fixing it until it dies down... so, just plan in advance, and stay ahead of the problem.

With regular, comprehensive inspections, you can be sure that all your seams are solid, your membranes are flexible, and there are no trouble spots where water or snow might build up, leading to heavy loads. They even check your full drainage system, downspouts and all, every single time.

Preventing Problems With PVC Roofs

PVC is a common material for commercial roofs, and one of my personal favorites.

It has excellent fire and chemical resistance, and it's able to last for up to 20, or even 30 years, with the proper maintenance. However, without regular inspections and repairs, even small amounts of wear and tear can lead to potentially hazardous and costly complications.

It's like any other complex machine, if you don't keep it in working order, it starts to break down. In the long run, just like your car, it's much more affordable to get the regular maintenance you require, than it is to replace the engine every few years.

Experts recommend that commercial roofs should be inspected at least twice per year, with additional checks after hail, tornadoes, or other extreme weather events.

Remember though, it's not just extreme weather that can cause problems over time.

Regular temperature shifts and UV rays will slowly cause wear and tear to any roof, but regular inspections can help to prevent this slow process from causing leaks or structural damage. The company works with all commercial and residential roofing types, including PVC, metal sheeting, asphalt shingles, and concrete tiles.

Time For A New Roof? Check Out These Options

While PVC has been a popular roofing option since the 1960s, if you're interested in a full roof replacement, there could be a better option.

You can find detailed information about all the most advanced options in the newest report from Apex Roofing & Restoration, including TPO. TPO roofs are known to last approximately as long as PVC, however, they are also considered to be more cost-effective, energy-efficient, and resistant to UV rays.

A little blurb I copied from the full report on PVC roof installation and repair explains, “PVC roofs are lightweight and flexible, allowing for easy installation and maintenance. They are also highly reflective, which can significantly reduce cooling costs by keeping the building cooler during hot weather. The seams of PVC roofs are heat-welded, creating a watertight bond that enhances their longevity and performance.”

If you've got a PVC roof, make it last as long as possible, while cutting your costs - all you need are regular inspections and repairs.

If, however, you're ready for a whole new roof - consider all of your options first. Some of them can help you to cut down on all your long-term costs, even the maintenance.

You can compare to the top options directly, or find an expert to speak to, at https://apexroofingusa.com/which-type-of-roof-is-the-most-durable

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