Best SEO For Chicago Realtors: Multimedia Content Marketing Blogs, Pods & Videos

Aug 21, 2024

Trying to dominate the real estate search results – without “Sponsored Ad” banners? BuzzBea Media makes it easy, using unique, interesting, and informative multimedia content, all about your listings, services, and offers. They’ll get you listed at the top, and keep you there.

Did you know the Rolling Stones have their own traveling realtor on staff?

It's because no one moves like Jagger... no, I'm obviously kidding, but it got your attention, right? That's half the challenge, and it's what BuzzBea Media is best at, getting high-impact, high-ranking content for real estate brokers, listed at the top of the search. You can check them out at

In a crowded real estate marketplace, getting noticed is the key - but how can you do it without spending the whole budget on ads, which are only temporary anyway?

The goal is simple - get listed at the top of the search results, in your area, and stay there.

The process is a bit trickier of course, because research shows that many customers ignore any link with a "Sponsored Ad" banner, so you need to get there without one. That's what BuzzBea Media is all about, building that buzz, with none of the ads.

How Do They Do It?

In a few words - Search Engine Optimized Omnipresent Multimedia Content Marketing.

That's a mouthful though, so let's break it down because it's not really as complex as it sounds.

Imagine if a potential customer is searching for a new house in your area - the best possible outcome is to have your name come up for any customer looking for a house similar to one you may have listed, right?

Well, that's what BuzzBea Media does - but it's also more than that. You know that not every client is the same, and that means you can't get them all with the same strategy, that's why BuzzBea Media creations aren't just Search Engine Optimized, they're also Omnipresent Multimedia.

Omnipresent Media & Why It Works

Do you like reading blogs? Some people do, some people don't - and you want to sell real estate to both kinds of people.

You also want to sell real estate to folks who like podcasts, press releases, slideshows, infographics, and streaming videos - and the best way to do that is to give them what they want.

With "Omnipresent Multimedia," your content is released in all of these formats, so that it doesn't matter what type of content a potential customer prefers, information about your listings is right there, at the top of the search.

As an added bonus, that means each round of content adds 6 searchable pieces of media per campaign, which means 6 more links back to your website, and 6 more articles, videos, etc, about your services.

Better Than Ads

There are a few reasons that I always recommend realtors stay away from ads. They're simple, but powerful reasons, and content marketing provides not just a reasonable alternative, but a real improvement.

We already discussed how many people have been trained to ignore links with "Sponsored Ad" banners, but we haven't discussed how often ads can actively annoy potential customers, even sometimes causing them to refuse to do business with a company that advertises too much.

I know, it may be a small risk, but it's one we don't need to take - because BuzzBea Media never uses ads.

The biggest benefit though, in my opinion, is that your multimedia content won't expire, ever, or cost you every time someone clicks it. There are no recurring fees to keep your content online, and no pay-per-click charges, once it's published it can stay online indefinitely, helping to attract new clients and boost your overall search rankings.

Building Brand Visibility - The Easy Way

Over time, using content creation can help to launch you to the top of the search results - because every single piece of content provides you with a cumulative boost.

As each piece is added, the search engine algorithms think to themselves, "Oh, this realtor should rank higher in the search results, because people are talking about them. There's new content relating to them, and it's unique, interesting, and relevant."

That's anthropomorphizing a bit, obviously, the search engine algorithms can't think - but they can improve your overall domain authority a bit with each new piece of content, which helps you to rank higher overall, and helps every other piece of content about you rank higher.

The point is, there are really only two ways for a realtor to reach the top of the search results - you can buy an ad, with a big "Sponsored Ad" banner next to your link, or you can use content marketing to get there organically, and stay there.

BuzzBea Media can help, because they run a service optimized specifically for realtors, using the 6 most popular multimedia formats and an all-human writing, editing, and research team.

Check them out at

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