
Betty Johansen’s New Christian Book Summarizes the Bible’s Core Teachings

Nov 8, 2024

Now it’s easier than ever to understand God’s word with a concise summary of the Bible in The Bible in Brief, written by well-loved Christian author, Betty Johansen.

Reading the Bible is a life-changing experience. But, let’s be honest—only a few understand God’s testament the first time around. To fully understand God’s plan for us, we need to regularly re-read His word and pray for His guidance. This can—understandably—be more difficult today, when no one has time for anything. Thankfully, there’s a Bible summary you can rely on!

Check out https://bettyjohansen.com/2024/08/27/discover-the-essence-of-the-bible-in-just-one-sitting-with-the-bible-in-brief/ for more information. 

Understand God’s Testament

Christian author Betty Johansen has just published The Bible in Brief: A Historical Summary of God’s Story From the Beginning to the End of Time on Sqrindle in ebook format and in paperback on Amazon. This Scripture book is intended for Christians who want to better understand their faith. It summarizes and condenses the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and includes various hyperlinks for further study. It helps you answer life’s biggest questions, such as the nature of good and evil and the purpose of existence.

Have you ever felt that there was “more” to the Bible than you could understand? Johansen’s book gives you a simple summary to begin your faith journey. It is, as its name suggests, the story of the Bible in brief.

How The Bible in Brief Came to Be

The inspiration for The Bible in Brief came while Johansen was writing her Christian mystery novel, Lilli’s Song, where the protagonist, Lilli, receives Jesus as her Savior. Lilli is then given a summary of the Bible. Yet, as she wrote those words, Johansen did not know if such a summary existed—so she decided to create one herself.

“Once Lilli’s Song was finished and published, I thought about that summary sometimes,” shares Johansen. “It seemed to me such a thing would be helpful for new believers. One day, I decided to quit thinking about it and just write it. The result is The Bible in Brief.”

The new ebook simplifies Scripture into manageable sections and includes several illustrations to make it more engaging. In addition, The Bible in Brief does not have to be read linearly. You are free to skip chapters and read whatever faith story you need to hear at the time. Johansen took special care to use simple, easy-to-understand language so the ebook can be read by almost anyone.

Whether you’re a new believer or an older one, The Bible in Brief is an excellent book to refresh your memory on what God has intended for you, us, and the entire world.

A Conservative Viewpoint

While acknowledging that the Bible can be interpreted in numerous ways due to its parables and symbolism, Johansen maintains a conservative stance in her interpretations. Her book reflects a more traditional view of the Bible, including believing that Noah built an ark, Moses split the sea, and Jonah was swallowed by a whale.

Johansen believes that a conservative viewpoint offers one of the best ways to interpret the Bible and provides an accurate view of what God intended.

Betty Johansen is a well-known Christian author known for her mystery novels. Her latest books, Lilli’s Song, Darkness Under His Feet, and Hawaiian Wildflower, are all available on Amazon.

Go to https://sqrindle.com/book/details/MTcyNDM%3D/OTI3NA%3D%3D so you can learn more.

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