Bill Savings Tool To Enhance Budget Sustainability Helps Job Loss Victims

Jun 21, 2024

Recession Resister is proud to be bringing you Bill Saver, a powerful new bill auditing and negotiation service that is helping job loss victims across America make ends meet.

If you want to save on your bills, the answer is simple: Recession Resister’s Bill Saver.

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An Expense Savings Platform Just For Job Loss Victims

Through Bill Saver, Recession Resister is pleased to be giving you a chance to lower your expenses by comprehensively auditing and renegotiating your monthly bills and utilities.

Recession Resister appreciates that if you’ve lost your job recently—in a time of high inflation, and when 54% of Americans have only three months or fewer of emergency savings—you may be in need of a smart financial solution to help you make ends meet.

That’s why, with Bill Saver, they will work swiftly and purposively to bring down your major bills, including:

  • energy,
  • water,
  • phone,
  • internet,
  • security, and more.

Enhance Your Budget Sustainability With Just A Few Clicks

All you need to do is upload your current and past bills and Recession Resister’s team will begin analyzing your bills, searching for errors and overcharges that can be refunded to you. Given that, as Business Insider recently showcased, Americans are overpaying $60 billion dollars in their bills every year, their team is confident that they can procure significant refunds on your behalf.

The second part of Bill Saver is contract negotiation, and Recession Resister has seasoned, professional bill negotiators who will work to drive down your rates with all of your service providers.

An Efficient & Cost-Effective Way To Save

As Recession Resister has created their service specifically for job loss victims like you, there is no upfront cost to use Bill Saver.

“There’s no fee to begin our services,” said their spokesperson. “For most bill categories, we’ll go to work negotiating on your behalf and split 50% of the savings with you when we successfully lower your bills. And if we find that you’re already on a great plan and we can’t save you money, you pay us nothing. Now that’s peace of mind.”

Bill Saver is now available wherever in the United States you are. Recession Resister also has a new pilot energy auto-switching and energy efficiency auditing service available in the North East. If you’re in that region, you may be eligible to make even bigger long-term savings.

One satisfied user said, “Recession Resister is an innovative new company offering real-life solutions to everyday problems. Bill Saver got me a lower bill for my cable, my internet, my cellphone and my energy. And I didn’t have to do a thing. Hundreds of dollars in savings.”

--> Join the job loss victims that are making hundreds and, in some cases, thousands in savings at <--

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