Bioidentical Pellet Hormone Therapy For Mood Swings & Fatigue In Scottsdale, AZ

Aug 15, 2024

Are you low on energy? Struggling with mood swings and hot flashes? If you’re looking for a fresh approach to HRT, try bioidentical pellet hormone therapy at Get Well Scottsdale (480-607-6503)! get a custom blend of hormones to get your bounce back!

Are hormones wreaking havoc with your quality of life? Looking for a HRT solution tailored to your needs so you can start living again?

Visit Get Well Scottsdale – a state-of-the-art therapy center specializing in anti-aging solutions – and try its bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) services! More details at

The services address the natural decline of hormone levels as your body ages. If you're a woman suffering from the effects of menopause or a man with andropause symptoms, Get Well Scottsdale can offer you relief from night sweats, fatigue and decreased libido.

Slow Release

The clinic's bioidentical hormone replacement treatments are delivered via pellets implanted under your skin to ensure a slow, continuous release of new hormones into the bloodstream. According to the clinic, this approach significantly reduces the likelihood of adverse side effects that can come with standard hormone replacement methods.

A spokesperson says, “There is a huge difference between feeling 'normal' and feeling optimal, and unbalanced hormones play a huge role in your level of energy, how you feel, your mood, and more. Optimizing hormonal balance is a life-changing experience for many of our clients.”


After numbing the implant area, the therapists make a small incision in your skin to place the capsules at the designated spot – commonly in the hip area. Once inserted, the pellets should provide a constant supply of hormones for up to three months. Pellet delivery also means you don't have to worry about daily pills or applying patches.

Avoid Nasty Side Effects

Get Well Scottsdale's pellet BHRT can aid your body's absorption of hormones. This delivery method also sidesteps the liver and the gastrointestinal system which can be adversely affected by high levels of estrogen or testosterone.

Customized For Your Needs

Despite the synthetic makeup of the pellets, the formulas used are identical in chemical structure to the hormones naturally produced by your body. The clinic can create a custom blend of hormones to help redress individual imbalances unique to you.

The BHRT services may be of help if you've been suffering from weight gain, hot flashes, memory loss, sleep problems, muscle pain, stiffness, irritability, and mood swings.

Restore your hormone balance for a happier, healthier future. Book BHRT at Get Well Scottsdale today!

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