Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery Risk & Benefits | Expert Guide From Top Surgeon

Jun 4, 2022

Learn the real risks and complications of blepharoplasty, or cosmetic eyelid surgery – straight from one of the world’s top experts. Dr. Harvey “Chip” Cole III, MD, FACS, Quadruple Board Certified Surgeon has the answers you need.

Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery Risk & Benefits | Expert Guide From Top Surgeon

Misinformation has become so common nowadays, a renowned scientist recently stated in a heated interview, "My research is meaningless when taken out of context like that."

The very next day, surprised readers were greeted with the headline, "Famous Scientist Says Research Is Meaningless."

While misinformation has become a serious problem in many ways, there is a simple and effective solution - getting your information directly from a trusted expert source, such as Dr. Chip Cole.

Over the past decade, blepharoplasty has seen a surge in popularity around the globe, becoming one of the top 5 most commonly performed cosmetic operations in the U.S., U.K., and elsewhere. To help combat misinformation about the risks and complications, a new awareness and education campaign created by Dr. Harvey “Chip” Cole III, MD, FACS, Quadruple Board Certified Surgeon, highlights important information from several recent studies.

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After more than 33 years of experience, and 33,000 operations, Dr. Chip Cole has become internationally recognized as an expert in ocular operations, and become more commonly known as “The Eye Guy.” His new educational campaign focuses on several thorough and recent studies, which have all come to the same conclusion.

As one paper concluded, “The complications of blepharoplasty are infrequent, most often minor and transient, and rarely major and permanent with functional or aesthetic consequences.”

The common conclusion among recent studies has been that while risks and complications exist, as they do with any procedure, an experienced practitioner can vastly reduce your chances of complications in several ways. The most effective method one study found was pre-screening patients with a high risk of complications, due to other factors.

While these high-risk patients can still undergo the procedure, they should have the potential complications explained in-depth before they make a final decision. One study suggests the use of informative booklets that patients can take home, which would stress the important factors involved in the operation.

The research found that while there are many possible complications, most of the potential issues are either extremely unlikely with thorough pre-screening, temporary, or minor and reversible. One common example is a change in the frequency of blinking and partial blinking of patients during post-operative healing.

The study found that these changes were only temporary, and patients’ blinking returned to normal within one month after the procedure. There was also no correlation found between this change in patient blinking patterns, and any other potential complications.

One researcher concluded, “Blepharoplasty is a widely practiced successful operation. However, because of the complex structure and function of the eyelids, the potential for complications does exist. With appropriate case selection, thorough discussion with surgical candidates, and careful surgical technique, most of these can be avoided. Effective techniques do exist to treat most, if not all, complications, which may arise.”

In an age of misinformation and out-of-context quotations, it can be hard to make sure what you're learning is truly accurate. The best option is always to go straight to the source, and get your facts directly from the best experts in the field.

In this case, that's got to be Dr. Harvey “Chip” Cole III, MD, FACS, Quadruple Board Certified Surgeon.

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