Blepharoplasty Risks & Complications, Eyelid Surgery Insights From Top Surgeon

Sep 1, 2022

What are the risks of an eyelid operation? Is it a safe procedure? Find everything you need to know about blepharoplasty today from Dr. Cole!

Blepharoplasty Risks & Complications, Eyelid Surgery Insights From Top Surgeon

The eyes are the windows to your soul - but what happens if the frame is blocking the view? That’s what happens when your eyelids start to droop and people start calling you, “my pug” instead of “my baby”.

But don’t you worry! There’s a solution to your problem.

Dr. Cole is a trusted Board-certified surgeon on a mission to help you know everything that you need to about blepharoplasty.

During the procedure, the surgeon removes excess skin above and below your eyes to improve your vision and make you look more youthful. It is a complex and specialized procedure for eyesight improvement and one that requires you to understand its full risks when considering it, as Dr. Cole highlights in his awareness campaign.

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He cites several medical resources that you should read before considering the procedure. One of these is an article published in the Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology which states that blepharoplasty is a generally safe procedure, with the incidence of complications only at 9.5%. Still, it cautions you to undergo a qualified assessment from a trusted surgeon to further minimize risks and prevent any malposition of the upper or lower eyelid.

This means consulting with an eye specialist such as Dr. Harvey “Chip” Cole, III, MD, FACS who leads our surgery clinic. The globally recognized, quadruple board-certified surgeon is considered an expert in oculoplastic procedures. In the span of more than three decades, Dr. Cole has developed a unique technique that allows for faster recovery time and more natural-looking results. To date, he has performed more than 33,000 operations for patients ranging from infants to the elderly.

Known as the “Eye Guy”, Dr. Cole understands that you want to always look your best. That is why he takes every effort to make sure that your procedure goes smoothly and with minimal risks.

He explains that blepharoplasty is usually recommended for those whose vision is being obstructed by excess folds in the eyes. While most healthy people with excess skin folds can be considered candidates, we still encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cole directly.

A grateful client wrote, "After I had a minor stye issue develop into a serious medical problem, Dr. Cole was able to put a plan together to get my eyelids back to where they need to be. From when I first showed up to my post-op appointment, I have gotten the information I need and the results have been very in line with what Dr. Cole described and what I'd anticipated. Could not be happier with the overall experience."

EYES to meet you, finally! Go to to learn more.

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