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Discover the Kardashians’ marketing secrets - join Rochelle Carrington’s free webcast to learn the best digital marketing approach!
Bulletproof Management, a digital marketing education company, has announced the launch of a webcast about online marketing strategy. The webcast’s host, Rochelle Carrington, has over 15 years of experience in helping businesses improve their brand visibility.
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The webcast aims to help you improve your digital marketing strategy to increase your site traffic and product sales.
In the increasingly competitive online marketplace, many businesses are fighting for customers’ attention. Due to constant adjustments to the Google search algorithm and the development of new software solutions, the digital marketing landscape frequently changes. For business owners focused on ensuring product quality and customer satisfaction, maintaining an optimal online marketing strategy can be difficult.
Bulletproof Management developed the online marketing webcast to help you address this challenge. The company’s CEO and founder teaches you to use the marketing strategy employed by the Kardashians to grow your business.
The webcast teaches a three-part approach to online marketing. First, you learn about the power of high-authority brands to increase the visibility of your businesses. Using this method, you can establish your business as an expert in your industry niche.
Next, you'll discover ways to streamline your business by focusing most of your attention and marketing efforts on their most profitable products.
Finally, the webcast introduces “omnipresence marketing,” which helps you attract customers by hosting eye-catching content on sites across the web.
The company produces other educational materials, including “The Customer Magnet Cheatsheet”. The “cheatsheet” is a marketing guide that teaches you how to attract customers using your social media profiles.
The launch of the online marketing webcast is part of the company’s commitment to providing you with high-quality educational materials. Carrington and her team believe that business owners must know the most current digital marketing strategies to compete in the online space.
Carrington has achieved great success by employing the strategies she teaches in the webcast as she said: “I built a seven-figure sales and management training firm, and I have worked with both large and small companies to increase their business development and leadership capabilities.”
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