Brighton, CO: Why You Should Get A Winter Roof Inspection For Energy Efficiency

Jan 8, 2025

Are you spending too much on home heating? All that hot air might be rising right through your roof! Apex Roofing & Restoration can show you how to keep your heat in, the cold out, and your energy bills reduced – just ask them how.

When the winter comes, the weather changes, and the heating bills start to wake up from their long summer hibernation - will you be ready?

As it gets colder this year, it's important to remember that your furnace and the temperature outside aren't the only things that affect your homes internal temperature and energy efficiency. Your roof is one of the most important factors, and it might have been ignored the last few years, so call Apex Restoration & Roofing to get it checked out.

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If you live in a cold climate, you probably know that small efficiency gains can make big differences in the comfort of your home, and the cost of your energy bill, but did you know that your roof can make or break your overall efficiency? Just think about it, all that hot air rises, and where does it go?

If your home is super efficient and effective, it gets looped back down, and enjoyed throughout the whole house... and if it's not, well, you replace it with new hot air from the furnace, as it escapes through a poorly insulated or sealed roof.

Where's The Heat Going? Ask An Expert

There are two ways to find out where all your heat is going, and how to keep it inside.

Method 1 involves tracking it down using thermal cameras and experiments, and this is totally possible, with enough time, patience, and practice. Then you can call an expert to fix it.

The easier way, Method 2, involves just calling an expert in first, so they can find out where the problems are and what the best solutions are, and honestly, you might as well. You have to call them in to find the solutions, so they might as well find the problems too.

They'll do more than just track the flow of heat through your home, they'll also tell you how to keep it in during the winter, get it out during the summer, and what you can do to make your roof last longer.

Everyone Wins With Energy Efficiency

I've heard it all before - "My house is energy efficient enough," or "I can't afford to improve my efficiency," and the truth is, they're both wrong.

You can't afford not to increase your energy efficiency and lower your bills.

Remember, these improvements don't just lower your air conditioning bill, but also your heating, and eventually, what you would have spent on repairs or replacement.

Whether you have metal sheeting, traditional shingles, or any other type of roofing, there are almost certainly ways to make it last longer, seal better, and reduce your home heating bills. The best way to find out is to get an expert inspection... preferably before the roof is desperately in need of it.

Future-Proof Your Roof

While you're getting your roof inspected, repaired, and updated, let me make another suggestion. Get it ready for the future.

Are you planning to put up a satellite dish, or install solar panels someday in the future? Why not get your roof ready now?

Roofing inspections can include all the additional planning for future installations, and planning in advance is always a win. An expert can help you to make sure the installation is easy, still beautiful, and doesn't punch any holes in your roof.

Sure, any roof that keeps the snow off your head is doing a good job - but it could be doing a great job at more than keeping the elements out, like reducing your energy bill.

Get the best roof for your home, now and in the future - drop by

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