
Build Negotiation & Productivity Skills With Private Digital Career Coaching

Jan 17, 2024

Jeanne Omlor, the so called “Queen of Authentic Marketing”, is passing on her award-winning negotiation and productivity methods in her Business Success Accelerator program.

Productivity: A Law Of Physics

Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion. The same is very much true for people. If you start out productive in your career, that energy will carry you wherever you want to go. However, if you start out with no momentum, you may find that building it is the greatest challenge of all.

Want to start your consulting career the right way? Visit https://jeanneomlor.com/reviews/

Speaking frankly, productivity problems are something that can strike anyone, regardless of their experience level. I have them frequently, and chances are, you do too. Not only are these issues demoralizing, but they can have a real, tangible impact on your career.

Let's Talk Solutions

The biggest thing to remember when facing down your productivity problems is that you are not alone. Millions have faced the same challenges before you, and millions more will have to face them in the future. Thanks to this unfortunate truth, you have allies in your fight, and quite a few of them!

One such all is Jeanne Omlor, a consulting master who faced her own productivity struggles and conquered them with style. Since then, she has made a name for herself as a powerful force in the coaching world who built a 3 million-dollar empire in only 2 years, all without the use of traditional advertising. If that's not productivity, I don't know what is!

How Did She Do It?

Jeanne achieved this success by using some incredible methods that she developed to take advantage of the content marketing landscape. Using these techniques, she was able to authentically market her business and establish herself as a leading authority.

Now, she is passing on these methods to new consultants like you!

Introducing: The BSA

Jeanne’s exclusive training program, also called the Business Success Accelerator (BSA), is the perfect solution if you are planning on entering the consulting industry, or if you are already a consultant, but are struggling to grow your business.

Her advice is presented in a beginner-friendly, learn-at-your-own-pace format to ensure that as many people as possible can benefit from her teachings.

The Program Structure

Section 1

The productivity-based program material is included in the first of three subsections that make up the BSA, Jeanne's pre-recorded video training.

Each of these “modules” covers the basics of setting up your consulting business, discussing:

  • business registration
  • offer development
  • networking tactics
  • methods to increase productivity
  • negotiation skills

Section 2

Building on the material presented in these modules, Jeanne offers one-on-one coaching to help you apply what you have learned in your specific situation.

In the initial stages of the program, she will assist in the development of a powerful action plan, which will then be expounded upon and adjusted as the program goes on.

As you follow the plan, you will go through the process of gaining your first few clients and establishing yourself as an authoritative voice in your space - essential if you want to scale quickly.

Section 3

Finally, to round out the experience, she will connect you with other participants through her BSA discussion group, allowing you to join a network of like-minded, empowered entrepreneurs. In the group, participants discuss their experiences with the program, celebrate their successes, and generally support one another as they move forward with their entrepreneurial journeys.

Reserve Your Spot Today

If you still aren't convinced, remember that this program has been running continuously for several years, and during that time, it has helped hundreds of consultants find their footing in an incredibly competitive industry!

One client summarized their experience with the program, saying, “During my time with the BSA, I earned three full-paying clients and gained several other prospects. I earned over $16k since starting the program, and I am extremely grateful to Jeanne for the help. To my fellow participants: best of luck to you, it is worth it.”

Many similar reviews can be found on Jeanne’s website alongside case studies and a full breakdown of Jeanne’s career journey. If you are interested in joining the program, you can do so by booking a free discovery call with Jeanne, at which time she will discuss how her program may be able to help in your unique situation.

To check out the program and join a community of industry-leading talent, visit https://jeanneomlor.com/reviews/

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