
Building Constructive Solutions (BCS) Announces CQM Class Schedule for 2021

Jan 15, 2021

If you work on a US government construction contract, you may need Construction Quality Management (CQM) certification. Building Constructive Solutions (BCS) teaches classes sponsored by trade organizations and also sponsors its own classes. Companies can also contract with BCS for private classes in their own offices.

Building Constructive Solutions (BCS) offers Construction Quality Management (CQM) certification classes to construction contractors’ quality management personnel.

If you work on a US government construction contract, you may need CQM certification. Funding agencies requiring CQM certification include the US Army, US Navy, Veterans Administration, General Services Administration (GSA), US Air Force, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and National Park Service (NPS).

In a one-day class, you can achieve CQM certification or re-certification valid for five years.

BCS is authorized to facilitate Prospect Course #784 authorized by USACE (US Army) and NAVFAC (US Navy). If you need CQM certification, make sure you sign up for Prospect Course #784. This is the required course for your certification, although some vendors offer other classes related to CQM procedures.

For details regarding BCS credentials, go to https://cqmcert.com/about/.

What is the purpose and content of the class?

The purpose of the class is to provide you with a basic understanding of contract requirements for quality control. Content includes information about your role in CQM, approved procedures, and proper documentation to manage quality control on government construction contracts.

Key topics include quality control plans, submittals, definable features of work, requests for information, testing, and supporting documentation. This is the everything-you-must-know class to satisfy government requirements for construction quality control.

Who should take CQM classes for certification?

-Contractors’ field personnel, including Quality Managers, Superintendents, Foremen, and Field Engineers

-Contractors’ office personnel, including Project Managers, Project Engineers, and Office Engineers

There is no prerequisite for the class, but you should be familiar with construction processes and Federal construction contracts. BCS instructors will prepare you to pass a certification test at the end of the day.

Why BCS?

BCS teaches face-to-face and in person. As a student, you can ask questions and engage in discussions with instructors and classmates. BCS follows best practices, including social distancing and disinfection of surfaces and objects, for your protection during the pandemic.

Instructors emphasize information that you must comprehend to pass the certification test at the end of the day. They will look out for your progress during the class, to help you pass the certification test at the end of the day.

All BCS instructors are career-government quality assurance experts who have worked as general contractors. Through their hands-on experience, they provide relevant examples for students like you in each class.

While covering required materials, BCS instructors adapt the material to you to ensure you can engage throughout the day.

Students praise BCS instructors for making class topics accessible, engaging, and relevant for their individual needs.

As one student commented after a recent class, “Teacher is informative and thorough. He has the passion to set us up for success.”

For more student feedback about BCS, go to https://cqmcert.com/custom-course/.

How to sign up for a BCS CQM Certification class

BCS teaches CQM certification classes under three circumstances:

1. Sponsored Classes are hosted by traditional industry trade organizations such as Associated Builder and Contractors and the Associated General Contractors. Enrollment is open to you as a member of the public but managed by the sponsoring agency.

Currently, 32 sponsored classes are scheduled for 2021. Go to https://cqmcert.com/sponsored-classes/ for information regarding time, place, and contact details. You can sign up for a class with just a click or a phone call from the schedule posted on the site.

2. Private Classes are arranged and funded by companies or private parties. Your company can contract for its own class, where you and your colleagues can earn certification together in your company's office or a nearby venue.

To request a quick quote for sponsoring a private CQM class at your company location, go to https://cqmcert.com/custom-course/.

3. BCS-Sponsored classes are open to the public and conducted in areas in the USA and abroad, where numerous construction professionals require CQM certification. You and construction personnel in your area can take a CQM certification class together.

Go to https://cqmcert.com/sponsored-classes/ for more information.

Schedule a CQM certification class now because the demand for classes exceeds capacity.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, construction contractors have experienced difficulty getting their personnel into CQM certification classes. In 2019, sponsors canceled many classes and limited attendance to fewer than 10 per class.

A spokesperson for BCS said, “Many of our clients find it difficult to schedule a CQM certification class because sponsored classes restrict the number of participants for social distancing during the pandemic. Classes become fully booked very far in advance.”

The spokesperson continued, “You can come to us, or we can go to you. CQM certification should not be a difficult hurdle for obtaining and retaining important US Government contracts.”

To contact BCS for specific information, submit a request at https://cqmcert.com/contact/.

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