Business Course On Perspectives & Problem Solving Skills For CEOs & Leaders!

Sep 3, 2024

If you want to increase your problem-solving skills, Macadamia Solutions LLC offers a course titled “Problem Perspectives: Solve Your Best Problem!” to help you understand the value of shifting your viewpoint.

As an industry leader, you have a lot of responsibility when it comes to making big decisions and finding solutions to problems. The “Problem Perspectives: Solve Your Best Problem!” course from Dr. Steven A. Wright can help!

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The course examines the role of perspective in terms of finding innovative solutions to a range of technical, legal, and ethical dilemmas in the business world and other areas of society.

As technology continues to take an increasingly important role throughout many industries, Dr. Wright focuses on giving you the necessary skills to find creative solutions in your work.

Shift Your Viewpoint

A recent report from the Harvard Business School shows that problem-solving skills are vital for leaders in any industry, as the ability to navigate the four-stage design thinking process - clarify, ideate, develop, implement - is closely linked to long-term success. With a focus on the value of perspective and the ability to shift your viewpoint effectively, the course from Steven A. Wright offers you templates for constructive change.

“Change can be a difficult thing to envisage and to manage,” says Dr Wright. “Getting it ‘wrong’ can involve significant amounts of wasted time and resources, as well as potential liabilities from solving the wrong problem. Getting it ‘right’ is not a matter of finding a better solution technique - it’s about finding the right problem to solve.”

Discover The Right Problem

As part of helping you discover the “right problem,” the course explores how to capture an initial problem statement and use perspective positioning to create an alternative problem statement. You'll be guided to create alternative problem statements from multiple alternative perspectives, as well.

With a focus on the power of perspective and the various factors that can affect viewpoints, Dr. Wright also walks you through geographic, temporal, and professional influences.

The course is suitable for technology researchers, business professionals, product developers, social entrepreneurs, and anyone who is working on solving problems that matter. The course includes a one hour on-demand video, downloadable resources, and a certificate of completion, for a price of $49.99.

Who Is Dr. Steven A. Wright?

Course developer and instructor Dr. Steven A. Wright is a professor, lawyer, engineer, entrepreneur, researcher, and international keynote speaker. He has experience negotiating technology agreements that enable new ecosystems in the information technology industry with companies such as Alcatel, Fujitsu, and AT&T, and has produced over 50 US patents.

You can acquire new problem-solving skills and methods with the course from Dr. Steven A. Wright!

Find more details and purchase the course at

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