Calgary Prostate Cancer Patient Community Support At Free Monthly Group Meeting

Jun 4, 2024

Have you or your partner been affected by prostate cancer? You’re not alone. Find your tribe at Prostaid Calgary’s monthly meeting. Meet survivors, hear expert guest speakers talk about treatment, and find out what support is available in the community.

Battling or recovering from cancer can be a lonely struggle for patients and partners alike. Are you looking for some support in the Calgary area? Want to meet people who know what you're going through?

Come along to PROSTAID Calgary's monthly meeting! It's free and full of helpful talks and signposts to local services in the community to help you beat prostate cancer for good! More details at

Shared Experiences

The gatherings provide a space for members to share their experiences of prostate cancer, discuss the physical and emotional toll that the condition takes on you, and creates an open forum to share information and resources relating to managing symptoms and accessing testing services. You can attend the meetings in person at the CKE Community Centre in Calgary or online if you prefer.

Care In The Community

The meetings raise awareness of services that are available in the community – from mobile PSA testing via the Prostate Cancer Centre's Man and Van program to Androgen Deprivation Therapy programs which address the issue of testosterone helping prostate cancer cells to proliferate. While PROSTAID Calgary exists to provide support relating to chronic medical problems, the organization underlines the fact that none of this is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're concerned that something isn't right, go see your doctor and get it checked out!

The Stats

According to data shared by the Journal of Clinical Oncology, prostate cancer was the most prevalent malignancy among Canadian males in 2023. Around 76 men in Canada are diagnosed with prostate cancer every day as per the Canadian Cancer Centre. The disease is responsible for approximately 3% of all deaths amongst the male population with the risk of contracting the condition as high as one in eight.

Guest Speakers

Recent speakers at PROSTAID Calgary's monthly events include Dr. Geoffrey Gotto – a urologic oncologist and a Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery and Oncology at the University of Calgary. Dr. Gotto shared his expertise and recent contributions to clinical trials for advanced prostate cancer. These addresses are informative and encouraging, giving you a glimpse of developing treatments and cause for optimism.

May's meeting featured Bear Johal – co-founder and CEO of Osbon Medical – who elaborated on his mission to make vacuum devices available to all Canadian men suffering from penile dysfunction. Prostate issues are commonly accompanied by problems in this area.

Call For New Board Members

There's no charge for attending the meetings and PROSTAID extends its invitation to veterans, wives, friends, and caregivers. The organization is also on the lookout for new board members. If you're interested, you can reach out to the program director. The events commonly commence at 6.00 pm with a social gathering in the community center lounge, followed by talks and the main general meeting.

The organization's stories of recovery and developing treatments offer hope and encouragement to other men in the same situation.

“I was able to enroll in a study involving a new drug which had just been approved by Health Canada. Since starting Darolutamide in October 2020 my PSA has remained undetectable, “ says Frank, a PROSTAID member. “I am one of the luckier men who has minimal side effects. My spouse attends all my doctor appointments and keeps me on track. I have a supportive family and a well-informed support network of friends whom I met in PROSTAID Calgary.”

When it comes to prostate cancer, don't go it alone, join PROSTAID Calgary!

For more info, go to

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