Camarillo Sleep Apnea Treatments: Try Inspire Therapy As CPAP Alternative

Oct 20, 2024

Is your CPAP mask creating more sleep problems than it’s supposed to solve? If so, the revolutionary Inspire sleep apnea device might be just right for you. Southern California Pulmonary and Sleep Disorders Medical Center can help you decide – call 805-557-9930.

Ready to Ditch Your CPAP Mask?

Some people just can't tolerate the skin irritation, dryness, and noise of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) masks. If you're one of them, or if you have a loved one who is, then Southern California Pulmonary and Sleep Disorders Medical Center has a solution for you. They're proud to offer the world’s first implantable technology for treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - Inspire therapy.

>>> Get all the details at

The Problem with OSA

If you suffer from OSA, or have a loved one who does, you probably haven't known a good night's sleep in a really long time. The condition creates a vicious cycle where repeated interruptions to your breathing during sleep also disrupt your sleep cycles, keeping you from falling into deep restorative sleep.

Poor sleep quality can cause you to feel overly sleepy during the daytime, which can negatively affect your concentration and mood. If you live with someone who has OSA, you may also be experiencing these problems.

Inspire Therapy Offers a Solution

The discomfort of external CPAP masks may perpetuate sleep disruptions, rather than prevent them. That's where Inspire therapy comes in. Because it's implantable, it doesn't create external discomfort, instead working with patients’ natural breathing processes from inside the body.

The device mildly stimulates the hypoglossal nerve that controls your tongue and other muscular movement in your airway. These nerve stimulations will cause your tongue and other tissues to move out of your airway, so you can breathe more easily as you sleep.

See if Inspire Therapy Is Right for You

If you're interested in Inspire therapy, the center’s staff can evaluate your overall health and perform a physical examination of your airway to determine if the therapy is right for you. Clinical evidence shows that this FDA-approved device can significantly reduce sleep apnea occurrences, improving sleep quality for both patients and their families.

“We see many patients who are unable to tolerate CPAP and have simply given up on it,” said the center’s Medical Director, Dr. Ronald Popper. “We’ve also seen a higher level of patient satisfaction with Inspire, and we’re excited to offer this new therapy to patients who struggle with CPAP.”

More about the Center

The center was founded in 1984 by Dr. Ronald A. Popper, a pioneer in the field of Sleep Medicine with board certifications in Sleep Disorders Medicine from the American Board of Sleep Medicine and the American Board of Internal Medicine. Thanks to Dr. Popper’s advocacy, the facility became the first free-standing Sleep Disorders Center to be fully accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

One satisfied client says, “My condition is under control and fine-tuning the treatment is even more helpful. The attention and feedback I receive for my apnea is greatly appreciated and has led to much more restful sleep.”

Don't let sleep apnea keep stealing your quality of sleep and life! Get a handle on your OSA and get the restful night’s sleep you deserve with Inspire therapy!

>>> If you'd like to learn more, get in touch with Southern California Pulmonary and Sleep Disorders Medical Center at 805-557-9930 or visit

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