
Celeb Dentist Dr. Catrise Austin Explains Veneers & Aligners For Crooked Teeth

May 28, 2024

Porcelain veneers and clear aligners are both increasingly popular with people looking for more beautiful teeth – and Dr. Catrise Austin explains what each of them treats and who the perfect candidates are.

Clear aligners are an orthodontic solution, and porcelain veneers are cosmetic - but is that it? Not really - and experienced VIP cosmetic dentist Dr. Catrise Austin explains it all in her new book, "Porcelain Veneers Vs. Clear Aligners: Your Guide to a Picture-Perfect Smile".

Check it out at https://www.amazon.com/Porcelain-Veneers-Clear-Aligners-Picture-Perfect/dp/B0CSXFZZR8

Booming Market - But What's The Catch?

The two procedures continue to grow in popularity, says Dr. Austin, with compound annual growth rates of 5.8% for veneers and 13% for aligners.

While both offer cosmetic benefits, however, they are fundamentally different - and many individuals are confused when it comes to what each procedure does, and when the other may be a better alternative.

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Porcelain Veneers

Dr. Austin explains that porcelain veneers are essentially a purely cosmetic procedure. They can offer instant improvements in dental appearance for chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth, yet come with a series of important downsides - including the fact that they’re irreversible and may lead to increased tooth sensitivity.

Good candidates for veneers should have healthy enamel and healthy gums - and, of course, set their expectations according to the specific conditions that veneers can help with.

See if you are a candidate for veneers at https://vipsmiles.com/

Curious to see what they'd look like on you? Submit your photo for a free before-and-after at https://www.thefrontiersmile.com/vipsmiles

Dental Aligners

Dental aligners, on the other hand, serve orthodontic purposes and will gently nudge teeth in the optimal position - but unlike veneers, they take time to lead to the desired results.

Clear Aligners Vs Braces

One common misconception is that dental aligners are identical to braces - and Dr. Austin addresses it in her book.

“Clear aligners work on the same basic principle as braces,” she says. “They both exert pressure on your teeth to help them move toward a more desirable position. This pressure is transferred from teeth to their roots to the jawbone around them. The cells of the bone break down due to the constant force and this makes space for the teeth to move. But don’t worry, our bones are excellent at repairing themselves simultaneously.”

“The main functional difference between clear aligners and braces is that braces are tightened by your dentist at the dentist’s office, but clear aligners need replacement at home every few weeks with a new set that helps your teeth move,” Dr. Austin explains.

Clear aligners are suitable for patients 12 or older, with mild to moderate misalignment, as aligners are not suitable for severe cases. With 90% of patients falling into this category, aligners are a highly versatile solution, explains Dr. Austin.

See if you are a candidate for aligners at https://vipsmiles.com/aligners/

Who Is Dr. Catrise Austin?

An experienced cosmetic dentist and best-selling author, Dr. Catrise Austin has helped thousands of patients improve their smiles and enjoy better dental health. She has worked with numerous A-list celebrities, written best-selling books including “How To Start Your Own Teeth Whitening Business- In No Time!” and “The Ultimate Guide to Charcoal Teeth Whitening: How to Take Your Smile to the Next Level-The Natural Way!”, and is the host of the “Let’s Talk Smiles” podcast.

Learn more about her https://vipsmiles.com/meet-dr-catrise-austin

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