
Chihuahuas Are Great Pets! Read About The Breed’s Traits, History & More Here.

Sep 13, 2021

Thinking of adopting a Chihuahua? My Best Bark’s new guide covers everything you need to know about having a Chihuahua as a pet. From personality traits to barking and training methods, this guide covers it all. Read more to see if these little lap dogs are right for you!

If you’ve been considering adopting a Chihuahua then you’ve come to the right place!

Blogger, Riley Kay, wrote the guide titled, “Is a Chihuahua a Good Family Dog?” to give you a better understanding of these little doggos and help you determine if a Chihuahua is a good choice for your lifestyle.

Head to https://mybestbark.com/is-a-chihuahua-a-good-family-dog where you can find the full report and loads of other helpful content on our canine friends.

Kay released the guide in response to the sharp increase in dog adoption rates since the onset of the global pandemic. With more employees opting to continue working from home, many people seem to be more eager to bring a dog into their family.

Did you know that Chihuahuas are the descendants of the mighty Techichi dog? These ancient dogs were viewed by Aztec and Mayan civilizations as guardians of the afterlife. No wonder these little pups are such fierce protectors of their families!

Chihuahuas require quite a bit of attention and human companionship which makes them an ideal family dog. However, due to their anxious nature, the breed does best in households with older children. 

Chihuahuas typically grow to be between 1 - 3 kg with an average lifespan of 16 years. Their tiny stature and outgoing nature have earned the breed a reputation as spunky little dogs.

But don’t let their size fool you! While they may be known as the world’s smallest dog, the Chihuahua’s personality is anything but small. 

Being a smaller breed, these dogs tend to express themselves more vocally to make their needs known. Chihuahuas usually bark for a few primary reasons, namely out of anxiety or fear. Although they tend to bark frequently, these smart pups can easily be trained with some patience and consistency.

Since they bond quickly and loyally with their owners, you should expect some separation anxiety when away from your pup. These dogs do best when surrounded by people they know, and love to be showered with attention and affection. 

As Kay states in her report, “On the whole, chihuahuas are a friendly breed, especially when it comes to their family. They are loyal, loving, and are typically very fond of their owners. When it comes to other family pets, chihuahuas are very accepting of other animals in the home, and typically do deal with them well.”

Want to learn more? Head to https://mybestbark.com/is-a-chihuahua-a-good-family-dog where you can read the full guide and browse other helpful articles, videos, and uplifting stories. 

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