Choosing a Brokerage In Oklahoma Is Hard! How-To Tips From Ruthie Gallardo-Owens

Jun 23, 2021

Are you a brand new agent or are you considering getting your real estate license? I’m Ruthie the realtor. I am the CEO and founder of all the Oklahoma Real Estate Experts. And I want to give you some tips on how to find the right brokerage for you., find the video online at

Are you a brand new agent or are you considering getting your real estate license? I'm Ruthie the realtor. I am the CEO and founder of all the Oklahoma Real Estate Experts. And I want to give you some tips on how to find the right brokerage for you.

First of all, one of the things we'll always look out for is you want to make sure that as a brand new agent, you choose a brokerage that offers a lot of training and support. Although you might have been told that real estate is really easy and simple, it's really not. There's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes, and you want to make sure that you partner up with a broker who's going to help you step by step and is going to train you to make sure that you not only do you sell a couple of houses a year, but that you actually build a thriving Business.

Number two, you want To make sure that your brokerage has an office, an office for you to bring clients and office for you to come in and work out of. A lot of people think that it's not a big deal. You can just make clients at Starbucks or do things like that. But remember, would you meet your doctor at Starbucks or would you meet your accountant at, you know, Dunkin donuts? Probably not. You want to make sure that you start off your business looking like a professional and you will be treated as such by your client.

Number three, please. I remember that you do get what you pay for. So choosing a broker just because they have the cheapest fees or they have the cheapest split is not necessarily a good investment for your real estate career. If you make sure that you hire the broker, that gives you the most value for your money, such as education Asia, a great place to work. And a lot of them, the support you're going to be better off than going with a cut rate broker. Again, if you do have any questions, feel free to reach out. I am Ruthie Gallardo-Owens with the Oklahoma real estate experts have a great.

Realtors and other interested parties are welcomed to watch the how-to video, in full:

More information about Ruthie Gallardo-Owens, Founder and CEO of the Oklahoma Real Estate Experts with RE/MAX

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