
Chronically Ill Kids Can Now Receive High Quality In-Home Care In Manhattan

Dec 19, 2024

Amelia Home Care wants to provide you with the quality in-home care necessary to ensure that your chronically ill child remains healthy, happy, and comfortable.

It's Okay To Ask For Help

According to the CDC, nearly 27% of all children in the US suffer from a chronic condition of some kind. Many of these children require highly specialized care, mobility assistance, respiratory assistance, and other devices, all of which may complicate basic everyday tasks such as bathing and feeding, leading to increased strain on parents are caretakers.

To get home care support for your loved one, visit https://ameliahomecareny.com/

If you are struggling to care for your child due to their special medical needs, you are not alone - millions of families nationwide and tens of thousands in New Yorkers struggle every day to keep up with the rigorous care needs of their child.

That is why Amelia Home Care is reaching out to families throughout Manhattan, offering their comprehensive in-home pediatric nursing services to those who need it most.

If your child requires frequent assistance with basic tasks or has mobility limitations imposed by a medical device, Amelia Home Care's services may be the best way to ensure your child is able to live a healthy, happy life - even when you are not present.

Compassionate Care Comes First

Their team members pledge to work closely with your family to provide care that aligns with household values and fits within the child’s established routine. This is a vital aspect of their service, they explain, as it allows your child to receive the high-quality care they deserve without being subjected to the often stressful environment of a live-in care facility or hospital.

A spokesperson expands on this point, stating, “In addition to medical care, emotional and developmental support is a cornerstone of pediatric home care. Having caregivers who understand the nuances of working with children—especially those with developmental disabilities—ensures that all aspects of the child’s health are addressed.”

Read about their pediatric services at https://ameliahomecareny.com/pediatric-home-care/

Live Monitoring

If you are in need of assistance but are not interested in full-time care, you can supplement these services with 24/7 live virtual monitoring. Through this program, your child can receive support with physical therapy tasks, self-care needs, and companionship through an always-on monitoring system to ensure that they have everything they need even when a caregiver is not physically present.

More About Amelia Home Care

The company was founded by a pair of experienced home care providers and human resources experts, who have made it their mission to assemble the most qualified home nursing team in Manhattan. Together, they have developed a compassionate care model that places the focus on nurturing and offering affection beyond what might typically be expected of home care providers.

Amelia Home Care provides their services to children between the ages of 3 and 18 and requires comprehensive documentation of the child’s diagnosis to provide care. More information about insurance requirements and pricing models can be found on their website at https://ameliahomecareny.com/services/

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