Copenhagen AI Marketing System: Content Creation & Social Media Management

Jun 18, 2024

To compete and succeed in e-commerce, marketing that’s just ‘ok’ isn’t going to cut it. If promotion isn’t your forte and you don’t have the budget to hire more permanent staff, check out mBrain – a complete AI-driven digital marketing solution for Copenhagen SMEs!

Have you had enough of trying to market your Copenhagen business? Reaching, engaging, and retaining customers can be exhausting when you're trying to run a company too.

Try the mBrain marketing automation tool for local businesses! Scalable, affordable subscriptions to give your company the edge over the competition! Find out more at

Tailor-Made For SMEs

If you're looking for a multi-featured autonomous solution to creating more online traffic without extensive manual input or extra human resources, mBrain can help! The platform is specially designed to help small to medium-sized businesses, acting as a complete digital marketing agency to enhance your reach to target markets.

Affordable & Flexible

mBrain creates and implements effective marketing strategies without the need for constant oversight, freeing up you and your employees to focus on more strategic tasks. From content creation to data analysis and easily scalable campaigns, mBrain gives you sophisticated AI technology in an affordable and flexible all-in-one package.

Subscription Options

The platform operates on a subscription-based model which, along with its user-friendly interface, lowers the barriers to entry and makes advanced automation accessible to businesses of all sizes not just those with large budgets at their disposal. From the starter package, which offers access for up to five users (ideal for small teams), 100 AI conversations, and 100 pieces of custom content for $400 per month, to the Enterprise option ($1600 per month) - which provides unlimited access and up to 700 AI conversations and pieces of original content - you can easily find a package that meets your needs.


mBrain also integrates with any of your existing marketing tools, allowing you to maintain continuity while reducing the workload of your sales and tech teams. The software can handle social media management, harnessing automation to ensure these platforms are used to maximum effect in promoting your brand and services. You can also deploy advanced chatbots to engage with new and existing customers.

Follow-Up Features

The software goes beyond acquiring new customers to improve satisfaction and retention levels. “mBrain automates the follow-up process, gathering reviews, referrals, and testimonials from satisfied customers,” a spokesperson says. “Case studies highlight how mBrain's targeted marketing strategies have driven traffic and conversions, helping businesses grow their customer base.”


Analytics features allow mBrain to gather and assimilate your data in real time, using this information to adjust and amend marketing strategies based on what's working and what isn't – rather than relying on human intuition or educated guesswork.

Customized Content Generation

These features also help inform the nature of mBrain's marketing content. With up-to-the-minute data driving mBrain's decision-making, the AI can tailor any content to better resonate with your target audience in your designated geographical location.

Let mBrain do the legwork while you concentrate on running your business!

For more information, go to

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