Find Addiction Rehabs gives you all the information you need about couples rehab. Still on the fence? Check out their comprehensive resources on addiction treatment and dual diagnosis!
What was that promise you made? Through thick and thin, right? But that also means taking the first step towards a better future. Being in love doesn’t mean suffering together constantly when there is a way for both of you to be free. Sometimes, you need to have the courage to say, “enough - let’s be happy together again”.
Online nationwide directory for addiction rehab centers and resource hub, Find Addiction Rehabs, released several new resources for finding couples rehab, addiction treatment, and dual diagnosis.
The new resources focus on the unique dynamics of alcohol or substance abuse among couples. Typically, one person enters the relationship sober, but becomes influenced by their partner and begins abusing substances as well.
Unfortunately, a cycle begins where neither party is capable of recovery. The reports mention that struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction is already difficult, but it becomes almost impossible when you are intimately involved with another person who is experiencing the same problems.
Couples rehab should be considered, suggests Find Addiction Rehabs. Today, several nationwide rehab centers have evolved to offer addiction treatment programs specifically for couples. This is especially useful when you or your partner does not want to, or feels incapable of, seeking treatment by themselves.
Recent studies have concluded that couples treatment can promote faster recovery for both patients. Most couples rehab programs include inpatient and outpatient care, such as behavioral therapy, recreational activities, sober support groups, and relapse prevention services, among other things. Because you are attempting to achieve sobriety together, you have a better opportunity to rebuild your romantic bond as well.
Find Addiction Rehabs explains that addiction treatment is crucial for recovery. In most drug addiction centers, a combination of medications, behavioral therapy, and holistic methods are employed to help you overcome your disorders. Further details can be found at
During treatment, you speak with a mental health professional who assesses your current state of mind. This determines whether your substance abuse is also linked to a mental illness, or what is called a “dual diagnosis”. These are becoming more common, says Find Addiction Rehab, as those addicted to various substances, often have an underlying unresolved trauma.
You work with your mental health therapist to resolve any deeply rooted issue that may be triggering your addiction. You are also guided to heal any present trauma that may be present. Sadly, most addicted couples are also at risk of violence and other forms of abuse. It is important that you heal from this pain while also undergoing recovery.
With the new reports, the group hopes to encourage more couples to seek treatment and renew their romance. It regularly releases new reports on various topics related to addiction, including full guides to dual diagnosis concerns and what makes effective dual diagnosis treatment centers. Click on any links in the article or visit them online anytime for more information and to get started on your own recovery, or that of your partner or loved ones.
Calling Find Addiction Rehabs made all the difference for me and my family, and I know it can for you too!