
Create Immersive Visual Experiences With 3D Interactive Projection Mapping

Aug 16, 2024

Flat screens are so 1990s. This new guide from Sphere Audio Video explores how interactive projection mapping can take your displays to the next level, wrap projections around buildings or odd shapes, and create unique immersive experiences that viewers will never forget.

Do you remember the still-image projectors that were commonly used in schools and offices until the early 2000s? You might have noticed they're not really in use anymore, because technology has moved on to bigger, better, brighter things..

This new guide from Sphere Audio Video explores the next bigger, better, brighter thing, 3D Projection Mapping, and how it can create stunning displays that make our current technology look as dated as a still-image projector in comparison. You can check out the full guide at https://sphereav.com/blog/b/immersive-experiences-projection-mapping-advantage

In case you haven't heard of Sphere Audio Video, let me introduce them quickly first, before we discuss their new projection mapping guide. They specialize in creating unique, one-of-a-kind technological solutions, optimizations, and automations, for the fanciest commercial audio video displays.

How Is Projection Mapping Different?

Since film projectors were first invented in the late 1800s there have been many improvements to image quality and brightness, but few changes to the basic concept. Sphere Audio Video explains how this new technology allows you to go beyond flat screens, and project videos onto multiple objects, various shapes, and irregularly shaped objects, such as buildings.

We already know that any projector can put an image on an irregular surface, but this typically causes the image to distort as it wraps around edges, or becomes nearer to, or further from, the projector. With 3D projection mapping, software can wrap images around any shape, without causing distortions.

Picture This:

Imagine the headquarters for your brand, inside or outside, and what would happen if you projected an image on it. Let's say it's an image of a castle.

Unless your building is perfectly flat and boring, the image will look terrible as it distorts over every ledge, around corners, and at different distances, because the projector treats the entire image as one solid, flat screen.

Projection mapping does nearly the opposite, using software to assign different areas as different "screens," and planning the full projection so that each area looks properly wrapped, without any distortion.

If you're new to projection mapping, this sounds like a tall order - and it would be, if we didn't have specialists who do this for a living, and technology designed to make the process easier.

Of course, using 3D surfaces as projection screens does require additional setup and programming, but the Sphere Audio Video guide explains how this can be accomplished for a wide range of surfaces and structures, and what makes an ideal screen. The full analysis even includes a 5 step process for programming unique experiences and ensuring that all your surfaces are being utilized properly.

Of course, it's only a rough guide, and if you're looking for an awe-inspiring display, you should definitely get professional assistance from one of their team, or someone with 3D projection mapping experience.

What Is It Good For?

This is probably my favorite question, because the answer is, anything where you might want a projector or a screen, 3D projection mapping can probably make it better.

Sphere Audio Video provides several examples of how projection mapping can be used in various industries, including entertainment, advertising, and live events, so I won't get into details here. They also showcase several companies that are already using this technology, such as at theme parks and new product launch events.

Since this is an "immersive experience," it's really hard to explain just how cool it is, without seeing it for yourself. If you're really interested, I can't stress enough that you should stop by somewhere this technology is being used, and take a look with your own eyes.

Future Technology, Today

While all of this is happening with our current, existing technology, Sphere Audio Video also provides a look to the future, with information about the latest advances in 3D projection mapping technology, and how these displays are becoming more accessible.

An excerpt from the full guide explains, “With projection mapping, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re aiming to increase brand awareness, enhance customer engagement, or simply create a stunning visual spectacle, projection mapping can help you achieve your goals.”

There are lots of technologies being described as "the future of" whatever - but if you ask me, none of them, not one, is as eye-opening and awe-inspiring as a properly executed fully immersive experience.

Seriously, you have to see it to believe it - because looking at it on a flat screen simply can't do it justice.

See for yourself, at https://sphereav.com/blog/b/immersive-experiences-projection-mapping-advantage

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