
Discover The Confidence Building Opportunities Available Through Lets Get Booking After Hiring Adryena Flores As Director Of Community Service

Nov 14, 2018

Let’s Get Booking has announced that Adryena Flores has joined the team as Director of Community Service. The appointment will help the company to continue to serve those with learning difficulties and their families in the best way.

Let’s Get Booking, the company that helps those suffering from dyslexia to build confidence and develop their skills, has announced that Adryena Flores has joined the team as Director of Community Service. She is a 17-year-old 11th grader at American Heritage in Boca-Delray and has been involved in charities since she was in sixth grade.

More information can be found at: http://LetsGetBooking.com

Adryena has been involved in organizing a charity to collect gently used clothing for disabled orphan children in Peru at San Jose Benigno Cottolengo.

She is part of the speech and debate team and she loves to spend time with her friends, as well as baking. Her addition to the team at Let’s Get Booking will help the company to continue to serve people by providing the best learning and development opportunities.

The company was created but Shane Herman, an 11-year-old, and Nestor Flores, a 14-year-old, who have both experienced what it’s like to struggle in school with learning disabilities.

They know that having a learning disability can make school much more difficult, and it affects confidence in a big way. It also has a big impact on the whole family, because parents often spend thousands of dollars trying to get their children the help they need.

It’s for this reason that they formed Let’s Get Booking, which connects children with opportunities throughout their local area. They provide free help to families regardless of where they live, their financial situation, or how far along they might be in their journey.

Adryena said: “I am very exciting to join Let’s Get Booking as Director of Community Service. I look forward to connecting students with the charitable organizations Let’s Get Booking partners with to fulfill their community service requirements while supporting our network of 501(c) 3 organizations.”

Full details of the appointment and the services provided by Let’s Get Booking can be found on the URL above.

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