Diversity Hire Recruiters In Seattle Find Candidates For Higher Education Jobs

Oct 6, 2023

WorkplaceDiversity (973-992-7311), the US’ leading experts in diversity hiring, are proud to now be helping Seattle universities and colleges create more diverse faculties and campuses.

If you lead a higher education institute in Seattle, you also have the opportunity to become a true leader and a beacon of diversity. Let WorkplaceDiversity show you how.

The Seattle office of WorkplaceDiversity knows that the city is home to some of the country’s leading higher education institutes, including the University of Washington, Seattle University, Seattle Pacific University, the Cornish College of the Arts, and more. What the diversity hiring recruitment firm also knows is that while Seattle is home to a diverse and thriving body of college students, the same cannot be said of its teaching and research faculties, which is why they are proud to now be assisting colleges and universities like yours to attract and keep diverse talent.  

Go to https://workplacediversity.com/ to find out more.

As a recent study by Pew Research Center revealed, 76% of post-secondary faculty members in the US are still white, despite the fact that only 55% of undergraduate students are white. WorkplaceDiversity believes these statistics showcase that, while your university likely holds diversity as a value, it is probably still falling short of enacting it—notwithstanding the further barriers that are faced by women, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ individuals, veterans, and people with intersectional identities.    

As such, with their new diversity hiring service for higher education institutes in Seattle, they hope to begin rectifying this imbalance. In addition to helping you to meet your legal requirements, they also believe that thoughtful diversity hiring is essential to the prosperity and growth of your academic institute, and will create new opportunities for your college at both the domestic and international level. 

WorkplaceDiversity will advertise any open position you have on their interconnected hub of diversity-focused job board sites, including:

  • WorkplaceDiversity.com,
  • HispanicDiversity.com,
  • VeteransConnect.com,
  • LGBTConnect.com,
  • DisabilityConnect.com,
  • OutandEqual.com,
  • AllDiversity.com,
  • WomensJobCenter.com,
  • LatinXJobs.com and
  • BlackJobCenter.com.

All of these platforms attract significant traffic from skilled candidates looking for a welcoming and diverse environment. 

WorkplaceDiversity has different recruitment packages available to you, with standard features including featured job posts, spotlighted company profiles, and more.  

WorkplaceDiversity is one of the US’ most comprehensive and fastest-growing online recruitment platforms for diversity hiring. 

A spokesperson for the online recruiters said, “Reach out to our sales team to learn more about who we are and how we can help you towards your diversity recruiting goals. We offer annual sponsorships, custom packages, industry pricing, and more.” 

With WorkplaceDiversity, your higher education institute can become all it is destined to be.

Visit https://workplacediversity.com/ to see how you can embrace the future of education and become a model of diversity in the academic world.

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